Extremely unlikely that the first and very eager participant in PRISM will ever see the sharp end of a government probe. Far more likely that this is some sort of theatrical and minor shakedown.
joined 9 months ago
Windows 2000 Professional was the first good Windows OS that I can remember. XP and 7 were also quite decent overall.
Around 2008 everything changed. This is when Prism was ramped up, and Microsoft's new mission was to use MSE and telemetry to spy on the world. It was around this time Windows 8 rolled out with spyware and Windows 7 got "security" updates that forced telemetry into it as well.
Information is power, and the general population has no chance of living in a free and fair society until it cleans house in the private and public sectors.
They want you to buy the hardware and pay for the additional energy costs so they can deliver clippy 2.0, the watching-you-wank-edition.
Pretty fucking rich to warn everyone of the tech industial complex that he himself had a direct hand in creating with the Patriot Act. This kickstarted the idea of the US three leters creating PRISM and basically created an impermeable blanket of protection for big tech to spy on Americans and then turn around and sell that data back to the goverment.