It reminds me of the people who thought measuring programming progress in lines of code written was a good idea.
Or, just a thought, on a path that wide you could designate one half for cyclists and one half for pedestrians and everyone could drive at their preferred speed.
Traditional journalism operates with a different playbook, typically centered on strong ethical norms and a spirit of objectivity; the facts are meant to anchor the story, even where commentary is concerned.
The author of this article is caught up in some sort of self-delusion about the traditional media if they think that ever was a majority of journalists.
News sites everywhere have seen traffic plummet in the past two years. That’s partly the fault of technology companies and their algorithmic changes, which have made people less likely to see or click on articles when using products like Google Search or Facebook.
Or maybe it is also the fault of news sites putting tracking and advertising to their users first or even selling them a subscription. You can't expect the same number of visitors if you want people to sign up for something as you got when access was free. Not to mention that even among sites with cookie banners news sites are among the worst offenders when it comes to dark patterns and number of companies they want to share your data with.
Is the press the bulwark against fascism, or is it ignored by a meaningful percentage of the country?
That seems like a false dichotomy in a world where Rupert Murdoch owned and other traditional media has been pushing fascism in several countries for decades now.
So basically it makes cycling energy management less efficient? Is there a point to that?
I would have expected a radwife to have more radiation damage.
That is the key thing that is wrong with the whole "work ethic" rhetoric. Working longer hours is not good for productivity unless you have a job that basically has no quality metric attached to anything you produce and quantity is just measured in time worked.
That is probably intentionally prevented by just soft-deleting the user so links from comments, posts,... to their author aren't lost. Not to mention potential security issues if you could just make a user that previously belonged to someone else. Honestly just isn't worth the headache to allow reuse of usernames.
Cars are still the most significant expense in most people's lives after shelter and certainly the most significant in terms of cost per actual time used.
That link about car cost is from 2021, pretty sure inflation had a significant impact on that in the last few years too, not to mention car companies getting rid of lower end options for a while now.
They might be off about the temporary part and possibly the illness part if that turns into injury instead but other than that spot on.