tl;dr I'm a noob using DooM and it seems I don't understand variables

Firstly; please forgive the gratuitous image of my RGB Steamdeck / Corne / DOOM Emacs "coffee shop" setup - I'm just enjoying it at the mo, and have a burning desire to share.

After a quick play with Zone I'm trying to setup zone-matrix as my "screensaver"

I did the following:

  1. Pulled the files from zone-matrix githib to .emacs.d/zone/
  2. Added the following to my in my config.el. I realised I was comitting heresy for copying another person's config (from a stackexchange answer) and braced myself for errors;
(defun tabbar-mode () (lambda (x) (message "%s")))
(add-to-list 'load-path (concat dotfiles-dir "zone"))
(require 'zone-matrix)
(require 'zone-matrix-settings)
(require 'zone-settings)

(setq zone-programs [zone-matrix])
(zone-when-idle 60)

After a doom sync I get an (to be honest expected) error void-variable dotfiles-dir.

The issue I have is with the definition dotfiles-dir - I clearly don't have that variable set, and wonder which of the following is the least-worst approach:

  1. Because I'm on DooM there is probably already a similar variable set linking to .config/doom/ am I better putting the zone directory in there? If so, do I hard-code the path in the line containing dotfiles-dir?

  2. Should I define a dotfiles-dir or zone-matrix-dir instead? I assume that flies in the face of dotfile conventions?

I'd love to hear your thoughts

[-] thephatmaster@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

Because I use evil mode, I changed evil-move-cursor-backward

[-] thephatmaster@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago


This was what I was after - thanks


tl;dr why do my org links not have a space before them (e.g. check out thisLINK)? I feel I'm missing something very basic here.

I was using org-roam today in doom emacs and forgot how irritating adding a new node is while writing.

It nestles nicely up to the text before it - with no space in between. After posting on r/orgroam a kind soul told me this might be a wider issue - at least related to org itself, and maybe doom.

Does anyone know how to get a leading space before the node name / link? For example; my nodes come out looking like:

something interesting is in thisNODENAME/LINK check it out

For the love of RMS I want a space between this and NODENAME

I'm clearly being dumb, but can't figure this out. Surely enough people use emacs / doom emacs / org mode, and they are not all adding links everywhere with no leading space?

A suggestion on r/orgroam was put a double space before a link - is that it?

[-] thephatmaster@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

Lol, I started with ipodlinux. That Svalboard looks great.

Kudos for working deeply in emacs every day - I've been an occasional user (weekly / monthly) for 2+ years. I feel like I google / M-x more than I actually work. Many a time I've felt like quitting.

WSLg will hopefully change that, at least in the office.

About the comments, I think people have been OK on the whole - I was expecting far more actual hate

[-] thephatmaster@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

I'll do my best to explain.

I have given work presentations using org / reveal.js, and taken conference notes in org, but in a nutshell I find OneNote just easier to use and more flexible in a Windows / knowledge work environment:

I have 3 or so years experience using org (daily on Android, weekly in emacs), and 5+ with OneNote. I learned OneNote when I learned GTD, and org came later.

So I do have greater experience with OneNote, and find it does much of what org does (tags, todo / calendar tasks). A lot of the features are comparable.

I heavily use "find tags" in OneNote, to find todo, awaiting etc tasks from among my projects and find that an effective tag-based search. It's not an org-agenda replacement, but

In my work environment OneNote does a few things out the box my current org setup doesnt:

  • Is installed by default on pretty much any knowledge workers work machine, no admin requests etc required;

  • Integrates with O365, so I can:

    • add tasks to Outlook and easily send / assign them to others in Planner;
    • deal directly with Outlook / exchange items (most of my inputs and outputs are email or pdf);
    • add a OneNote note to any MS Team
  • Accepts any input and will display it WYSWIG. So I can treat each project as a page, and dump documents in there (either embedded or "printed"), screenshots, diagrams etc, in whatever way I need to - and even scribble all over that with diagrams, arrows etc using a windows ink pen. All the while using tags to give context to items;

  • as a result of the above, OneNote allows a note to be very flexibly formatted. Many of mine are 2 columns:

    • the first a table containing a running timeline of actions (with or without embedded emails / pdfs etc); and
    • the second various documents, parts of documents, screenshots / drawings etc - displayed right there, not a link away.

That said I've had WSLg a week or so now, and that level of integration between emacs and Windows is really nice, so things might change.

I hope that helps explain - if I'm doing things in ON that org could do for me with a setup change I'm all for learning how

[-] thephatmaster@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

Yep, it's way more adjustable for comfort than a non-split like my K8 - and thumb keys avoid too much pinkie stretching

[-] thephatmaster@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

I haven't tried that config (holds for homerow mods yet) so will have to keep latency in mind

[-] thephatmaster@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

100% cargo cult / "I use Arch linux" mindset

I'm an office worker who is way more productive in Office365 than emacs. And for that purpose OneNote poops all over org.

That said, for home-life orgaisation and project tracking, org works pretty well for me.

Setup suggestions are totally welcome, I do run emacs on all my devices.

[-] thephatmaster@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

Hmmmmm maybe they are XDA, I don't have both types around to compare

[-] thephatmaster@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

I bought mine built (see mechmarket or a discord for your country)

They don't look difficult to build, and there are various places where $100 - $200 will get you a built one

[-] thephatmaster@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

You know what, I was set-up in a tea room for 2hrs doing some life-admin (org-mode) and:

  1. A lot of M-x text-scale-increase occurred - and I had to put my glasses on; and
  2. Can confirm now have a slightly sore lower back
[-] thephatmaster@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

Yes I was - and I didn't have a disposable income back then, so I'm making up for that now

As a kid I (materialistically) marvelled at things like shiny game consoles with brightly coloured see through cases


So after my struggles getting this setup going I'm really enjoying this setup.

Thought I'd post here as there is quite a bit of intersectionality between the emacs, Arch, Steamdeck, Nix and Mechboards communities.

Spec as follows:

  1. Steamdeck (LCD);
  2. SteamOS 3.5 Preview (Arch based and compatible with Nix packages);
  3. Emacs 29 (via Nix package);
  4. DooM config + some tweaks of my own; and
  5. Corne Light v2 with random DSA caps.

Ambitions for this setup are:

  1. Better emacs-fu (thanks to everyone here with their help so far);
  2. RGB underglow on the keyboard for 90s vibes;
  3. Printed keycaps in jazzy colours;
  4. Better keymap (maybe Miryoku or something with homerow mods)

I'm a noob (of nearly 3 years using emacs).

Buffer / window management still confuses me.

I haven't really learned to use / position / switch windows and buffers. Simply because I used to one org-mode window most of the time.

Now I'm using org-roam, amd dealing with multiple small files, I keep getting stuck in silly situations, like ending up with:

  • a roam buffer and my fallback buffer vertically stacked - when I want to "fullscreen" the window with the roam buffer, I can't delete or kill the fallback window / buffer.

  • two fallback buffers vertically stacked. Neither of which I can kill or delete.

Is there a good guide somewhere?


Probably better for r/showerthoughts - but is anyone using emacs without a keyboard?

I assume the core audience of emacs is devs and sysadmins (and perhaps academics with org and org roam)

But surely somebody somewhere is doing those jobs / using assistive tech (dragon etc?) to interface with emacs?

[-] thephatmaster@alien.top 1 points 11 months ago

I'd love to know how you get on with the corne?

When I got my K8 I planned a corne / lily / sofle / lotus build as a "portable"

Went down the dactyl rabbit hole and printed some mock ups - then ran out of time


So my BT keyboard + trackpad is looking worse for wear.

It was cheap and cheerful with a winning form factor. Other KBs came and went, but it survived.

I need a replacement.

It's been used with emacs (DooM) with my tablet and / or phone for a few years, and has a few shortcomings (see yellow sticker).

I now also have a SteamDeck, which is basically an Arch box, and I'd love a BT keyboard with that.

Does anyone have a portable setup they'd like to share?

Also, is there an emacs-y way to lisp my way out of things like:

  • keys being missing (#);
  • ESC being on a function layer?
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