[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 16 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This isn't the right community for support questions, we're more interested in questions that spark discussions. Please avoid posting similar stuff again, and try communities like !linux@lemmy.ml.


[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 24 points 2 weeks ago

I feel you lol. I wish less people came to Portugal, especially Lisbon and Porto. It's a bit ridiculous sometimes. The culture people come looking for is slowly dying or becoming a fake version of itself because legit stuff is being pushed out of historical centers, in favor or tourist attracting alternatives. The issue of overpricing (because all the English, German, French, etc, visiting Portugal earn way better than us here in average) is ludicrous, it's becoming harder to enjoy the places we used to go 15 or 20 years ago.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 14 points 2 weeks ago

I use Okular and sometimes Zathura, both can do that through hotkeys (you can also add a button to the toolbar in Okular)

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 21 points 3 weeks ago

If you have your own domain, I recommend Migadu. They take care of all the boring parts of hosting email, while being cheap and very reliable. All you have to do is[1] follow their guude to setup some DNS records and double check everything is right. After that, you have a working email account with unlimited addresses, inboxes and a bunch more nice features.

[1]: Besides getting a domain name, which you should get anyway, since it gives you more control over your digital identity and makes it much easier to migrate providers in the future.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 12 points 4 weeks ago

As a slight joke (but only slight), ministers and other positions of power. It's incredible how poorly qualified some nominated ministers are, over here...

Democracy should allow anyone to run to be elected, but people nominated by the prime minister for specific ministries, should have some degree of education or experience in the field. Until very recently, there was essentially no assessment of skills. Now there are some forms and whatnot, but I still find it very lacking.

For example, we had a minister over 10 years ago that got his Bachelor's nullified by a court ordering following an investigation of some shady deals with the University.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 23 points 4 weeks ago

No, you can leave it in case someone might be thinking of asking the same. The community isn't really moderated atm either way (though that may be changing soon :tm:).

submitted 6 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/meta@lemmy.pt

Espero que tenham todos um próspero 2024 :3

submitted 6 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/meta@lemmy.pt


Neste momento alto da quadra natalícia, aqui vai uma atualização que é uma delícia :)

A demorada e tão aguardada versão 0.19 do Lemmy foi finalmente lançada e já está a correr a nossa instância!
Esperei pela primeira ronda de correções (0.19.1) antes de fazer a grande atualização, para não correr o risco de piorar ainda mais o estado relativamente débil no qual o servidor tem andado ultimamente. A migração da base de dados teve alguns soluços e foi bastante morosa, mas lá se fez. Está agora tudo mais limpinho e, com sorte, também mais rapidinho.
Esta versão traz uma série de melhorias, tanto ao nível da interface dos utilizadores, como dos administradores, porém mais importante ainda, uma série de otimizações ao nível da base de dados e das operações de federação (comunicação inter-servidor). Estou bastante esperançoso que isso venha aliviar um pouco o peso nos servidores mais pequenos como o nosso, que ficam sempre atolados com as mensagens dos servidores gigantes como o lemmy.world.
Para mais detalhes, podem ler as notas de lançamento (em Inglês).

Nos últimos dois meses tenho tido pouca atividade, em parte por ter sido um período mais calmo no que toca ao desenvolvimento do Lemmy em si, mas também porque o meu trabalho tem-me consumido a esmagadora maioria do meu tempo, deixando-me muito pouco livre.
Assim, deixo um apelo a quem tiver competências técnicas: por favor, consultem os ficheiros de deployment e entrem em contacto comigo através da nossa sala de Matrix, para podermos discutir melhorias à infraestrutura, de modo a melhorar a experiência de todos.
Qualquer ajuda é muito bem-vinda!

Por fim, desejo a todos e todas um excelente Natal com família, amigos e claro, uma boa ementa hehe Caso não celebrem, desejo um dia igualmente ótimo!



submitted 8 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/portugal@lemmy.pt

O poeta e ensaísta Manuel Gusmão, 77 anos, morreu hoje em Lisboa, disse à agência Lusa o editor Francisco Melo, das Edições Avante.

submitted 8 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/portugal@lemmy.pt

Página do Público com atualizações frequentes desta saga.

submitted 8 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/piano@lemmy.world

An incredibly beautiful piano solo arrangement of the well known Studio Ghibli’s “Howl’s Moving Castle” soundtrack.

In fact, this channel has a lot of incredible arrangements and transcriptions. Highly recommend taking a look!

submitted 8 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/music@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.pt/post/2089288 (in portuguese)

On July 29th 2022, the final night of Jacob's European Summer Tour, 4300 people gathered at the Coliseu dos Recreios in Lisbon, Portugal, for a sold-out nigh...

They finally released the recording of this absolutely amazing concert (was there hehe)!

submitted 8 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/musica@lemmy.pt

On July 29th 2022, the final night of Jacob's European Summer Tour, 4300 people gathered at the Coliseu dos Recreios in Lisbon, Portugal, for a sold-out nigh...

Finalmente lançaram a gravação deste concerto absolutamente incrível (estive lá hehe)!

submitted 8 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/chess@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.pt/post/2085574

I found this on fediverse.party's app list, and instantly loved it.
It's such a neat and well executed idea!

submitted 8 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

I found this on fediverse.party's app list, and instantly loved it.
It's such a neat and well executed idea!

submitted 8 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/noticias@lemmy.pt

As Forças de Defesa de Israel confirmaram esta segunda-feira que 199 pessoas estão ainda reféns do movimento Hamas, na sequência do ataque de 7 de outubro.

submitted 8 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/portugal@lemmy.pt

O Orçamento de Estado de 2024 vai baixar as taxas do Imposto sobre o Rendimento de Pessoas Singulares no próximo ano.

No seguimento da nova medida anunciado pelo governo, o Público fez este vídeo que tenta clarificar os seus efeitos através de alguns casos concretos.

O estilo fez-me lembrar um pouco o canal de YouTube norte-americano Vox.

ver também

submitted 8 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/gaming@lemmy.ml

A very well visually crafted and laid out criticism to recent cosmetics and what makes Team Fortress 2's style so good.

The dude clearly has strong opinions, but I agree with him.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 31 points 1 year ago

I've loved the idea behind Lemmy since I first discovered. At first, I was using lemmy.ml, but then I saw the opportunity to provide a nice space and expand my sysadmin skills. Since there was no Portuguese instance yet, I thought why not create one?
Since then, I've met more people hosting Portuguese services and it has been great :D

For funding, I'm working on two ways: the typical donations and trying to secure support from local FOSS organizations. At the moment, the server costs are not prohibitive and there have been some donations already. I've also been talking to some of those orgs and it's going well :)

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 24 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I didn't know anything about Raddle besides the name until now. But gosh, is that a needlessly toxic pit. There's a poor guy there getting completely beaten up by an admin and some others which seem to be enjoying their time-wasting public bullying. Oh well...

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 15 points 1 year ago

They could certainly do better, but they do quite a bit yeah.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 25 points 1 year ago

BitWarden has been a trusted, reliable and very useful service for me.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 12 points 1 year ago

We'll be fiiiiine 🥲 starts hyperventilating

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 22 points 1 year ago

I'm sure something like AutoMod would eventually become useful for community moderators.

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