[-] trolske@feddit.de 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Adaptive here means whether necrophilia occurs in order to still produce offspring, i.e. it's 'conscious' (I use that term veeeery loosely here) or if it occurs just because the animals don't recognize that the partner is dead.
I remember a paper about a frog species (not sure if it was the one from the meme) where the males participated in necrophilia, but they basically tried to squeeze eggs out of anything they grabbed. Living female, dead female, stone, sponge. All the same.

[-] trolske@feddit.de 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I'm slightly offended (and very amused) that your bottom tier is called Germany.
I mean it's true, but don't kick us when we're down

Edit: Please change it back! It was the perfect Freudian typo

[-] trolske@feddit.de 11 points 2 months ago


[-] trolske@feddit.de 10 points 2 months ago

Talking about German fans and showing a group with a Belgian flag. Nailed it!

[-] trolske@feddit.de 8 points 5 months ago

Meiner Meinung nach durchaus auf beides.
Man hat keinen halbwegs sicheren Planungshorizont, es gibt nur einen sehr begrenzten Pool an Forschungsmitteln, das sorgt für eine begrenzte Zahl an Stellen.
Wenn man sich dann überlegt, dass man (wenn man Pech hat) alle 2-3 Jahre umziehen muss, ggf auch international, ist das mit dem Geld zwar machbar, aber große Sprünge macht man nicht.
Und wenn man Familie hat ist das Problem noch größer.

[-] trolske@feddit.de 10 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

A bit of nitpicking, it's not born to a wild cat, but a feral cat.
We do have actual European wild cats, so it's a small but important distinction.
Auch auf Deutsch würde ich eher von einer verwilderten Katze reden, da wir eben richtige Europäische Wildkatzen haben.

[-] trolske@feddit.de 12 points 7 months ago

It says Jyväskylä University. Jyväskylä is a city in central Finland. The picture is from their research station in Konnevesi.

[-] trolske@feddit.de 8 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Oh that's random, I've been there! Edit: OP, if you're still around Konnevesi, say hi to the boys (Jyrki, Janne, Risto)

[-] trolske@feddit.de 13 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Das sieht nach Antennapod aus. Gibt es im Play Store, F-Droid, und GitHub.

[-] trolske@feddit.de 10 points 8 months ago

Paska ist auf finnisch "Scheiße". Braun zu braun

[-] trolske@feddit.de 11 points 9 months ago

Geht es hier um Laichen?

[-] trolske@feddit.de 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I second GitHub Pages! I host a professional website/online CV there with a dot com domain for less than 10€/year. There are Jekyll templates to do that or pay someone to make you some custom CSS and Html that's easy to maintain.

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