didnt europe send troops? and the us?
... or snapping out of it. seriously, if you live in the US you have Hollywood right by your doorstep. take a moment to investigate leftism further than what their common sense is, and you will see its nothing like that. also note not i'm not saying its perfect either, but we are constantly learning.
the owner class engages in class warfare whether we decide to believe in it or not.
oh, they do have influence. but not like that is what i mean.
Body Memory
I mean, cellular memory and muscle memory exist.
I did not know that, but wouldnt be surprised if they are a degree subjugated by the US in some way.
socialism = murdering innocent civilians is a propaganda trope. who would want that?
neoliberal capitalism is, trump is just its steward rn.
the soviet union has ended 30 years ago and its internationalist policies stopped way before that.
For starting to think about it: I think the chilean attempt by Salvador Allende was quite good, although he made the mistake of thinking the US wouldn't be able to interfere, or rather he underestimated his challenges moving forward. I like the political system in modern-day Cuba and what theyve been able to achieve despite not having much, and sacrificing quite a bit for the revolution. Would love to see what they make of themselves without a blockade, but the comparison with Haiti is already striking as it is.
and i'm literally on the receiving end of US and european imperialism. the US sponsored a brutal military dictatorship in my country and on most of our neighbours, and still sponsors the plundering of our natural resources and workforce. shit, they tried to put a dictator in power in here recently, we barely escaped.
modern-day russia doesn't have as much influence throughout the world, nor does it have as bloody military by a big margin.
exactly. a far left candidate would never be given that much leeway to walk in and declare themselves dictator.
nuh uh, not in burgeois 'democracy'. books would be thrown and examples would be made.