[-] undergroundoverground@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I said it just fine. The problem is you lack of self awareness and poor social skills.

I love how you declared my example to be lazy, only to then make, essentially, the same example again. Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying that I disagree with me.

The problem is, you have one side whos worried their candidate might be too old and another who doesn't even care if their candidate raped a child and tried to overthrow their government.

However, for reasons no one can quite explain, only one of them is being called to drop out of the race.

Haha so true. I remember some my friend's family going on about how we should all vote leave because of all the immigrants.

Mate, you were born in Napoli. You're as Italian as spaghetti. I'm not that kind of British person and, as far as I'm concerned, you're more than welcome here but you're the "immigrant" you hate so much. Not only that, your that being that person while banging on about how bad immigration is to a group of very obviously white native British people. It was just the most bizarre thing ever.

He still has an accent.

I genuinely wanted to be like "but we like you." I don't think that would have gone down very well though.

Remember everyone, CEOs do this stuff at the behest of capital. The shareholders want you to be annoyed at the CEO whos simply acting on their orders. Its part of the reason they pay CEOs so much.

They want us to be annoyed at everyone but the shareholders. Capital has always been the problem.

Oh yeah, those personal finance places all want to talk about the laffer curve, right up until you remind people how high the X value would be. Then, as if by magic, they dont want to talk about them anymore.

To me, those places always seems full of AstroTurfing for the idea of lowering taxes for rich people. There might be some good stuff in there but I would take them main political thrusts made with about as much salt as you can find.

Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age or a neoclassical economist what economic problems tax breaks for the rich won't fix.

To much money to spend on health care?

Tax breaks for the rich.

To little money to spend on healthcare?

Tax cuts for the rich.

Just the right amount of money to spend on healthcare?

Just the right time to cut taxes for the rich.

Conservatives don’t search for things that discredit their view.

I think you're right here but I think we can all be very much like that. Using trump and conservatives as a reference to what we all do, no one Googles "is trump bad." No, we already know the answer to what we think about that. Instead, we google something like "trump is the best" which (along with our personalised algorithm, designed to tell us what we want to hear so we keep engaged) tells us all about how trump is the best.

I think one thing that might help anyone who wants to de-program trumpers, along with the parts that are their own fault, they genuinely are victims of the algorithm they're trapped in. I mean, we all are but right wingers, being right wingers, rarely have the self awareness needed to adjust for it. Theyre amongst the groups most disenfranchised and exploited by these things. It doesn't absolve them of blame but, imo, its more complicated than a lot of people make out.

No one controls that kind of right winger quite like the oil and meat lobbies.

"I put it to you, your honour, that that child is sexy."

For me, it became undeniable after the gamestop fiasco. I used to sub to wallstreetbets way back before all that. It was one of the last genuinely funny places on the internet. I'm lucky, i got in on those shares at £45 and sold at roughly somewhere round about £420.69.

After the day the price shot up to that, the place was just flooded with bots trying to get anyone to spend their money in any place but gamestop. You even had some mugs trying to short silver which, for anyone not in the know, you'd need about all the money in the world to do that.

But yeah, now, everything going on there is going to be ultra analysed by every fund in the world. Oh, they also fired all the admins and replaced them just before the flood gates opened.

I think its then that people saw the potential for flooding reddit with bots and shills.

Antinatalism is the first law of robotics, reduced to absurdity. It answers the question by forgetting why you asked it in the first place.

Yes, it does eliminate human suffering. However, it does so in the same way that a bullet to the head cures a headache.

So true and none of them seem to realise that their alpha maleness look a lot like worshipping some grifting daddy-boss.

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