In some sense this would even seem an advantage of Windows. (I know it's the fundamental reason for many hangs and freezes, but the idea that a file is a lockable resource doesn't seem that bad.)
Serbia agreed to almost every point of the AH ultimatum regarding the investigation of FF's murder. The one they rejected was about Serbian police working under AH supervision or something like that. Something no nation would accept, both extremely humiliating and dangerous.
Anyway, rejecting an ultimatum doesn't give you right to invade. It may be polite and civilized to give ultimatums in general, as compared to outright invasion without warning, but see the previous sentence.
Hamas doesn't have elections. So fsck you.
They are not trying to attract usual people from civilized countries.
They are trying to attract people of the same culture as them and they are succeeding. These actions and videos bring them feeling of dominance, satisfaction and violent pride (of genocidal kind, I dare say), and also of being feared.
Also they are denying Israelis the feeling of safety they had - despite all those missiles sometimes being shot, and all those buses sometimes blowing up, they haven't been for many years generally afraid of meeting armed thugs face-to-face, being humiliated, beaten, raped, their bodies mutilated and proudly shown by the perpetrators as part of a mass murder. This is a tangible result. This will weaken Israel in some ways long term (and in some strengthen it, probably, but maybe they don't think that).
Also they have shown that you can make this kind of a raid on Israel with a relatively small force and succeed. All the Arab world now knows this.
And that's only Hamas. If, say, Hezbollah, a much stronger organization, seriously tries to hurt them, it will.
I don't usually agree with many American leftist talking points, but really what's it with railways being so little used in the USA? When you need scale with regular routes and regular volumes of anything, it's unrivaled.
I mean, this really seems similar to Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in being unnecessary, stupid and with potential to change the target country from "imperfect" to "trash action movie" level.
(I remind you that when Soviets started all that crap, Afghanistan was a half-dependent from USSR socialist republic, and there were some mojahed (a socialist-Muslim hybrid, not really that popular today) rebels making trouble, and it would likely remain the same. Then they decided to perform a limited operation, which succeeded in changing Afghanistan's government, and then it turned into FFA.)
most late stage capitalist
I mean, whatever you call it, opposition to this particular phenomenon would unite the militia and sovereign citizen kinds of people in USA (of what I've heard about) and ancoms and ansyns and ancaps everywhere and "citizens of the USSR" in the ex-USSR and reichsbuergers in Germany and I can go on.
Selling the same thing which differs in price and whether the same functionality is locked is something universally dishonest for everybody who is not in love with the organization doing this.
Cause 40hrs a week is a schedule for workers on a production line with machine tools doing monotonous work. It's hard, but it doesn't require you to think much. Thinking, changing contexts is hard.
Ah, also you really are a resource, only your employer is a resource for you too, to get money which you then use for your own purposes. You are mutually resources for each other, that's the point.
Well, also it seems that in the olden days, when we didn't have internet etc, it was a bit more normal to do your own hobbies etc at work, unofficial tea breaks, and in general many things other than work. Though I'm from Russia, and the Soviet joke says "they imitate pay, we imitate work".
ffmpeg, imagemagick, povray, supercollider, blender ...
I'd also say amule, qbittorrent, fopnu (freeware, but not free), retroshare.
There are likely many others. EDIT: ... I can't quickly remember.
Maybe he is aware of that, but wants to remind us all how internet communities were in the 00s.
Banning people for mentioning competing platforms just brings nostalgic tears.
Or maybe he doesn't, just all the benevolence social media owners would show goes down the pipe when there really are decentralized alternatives which work. When they didn't feel threatened, they could seem wiser.
It could. In fact it will make that part of the Web yet another step closer to a bot-populated SEO-infested graveyard where a living human will find nothing useful.
If only my friends would stop using VK to communicate, and my family FB for the same.