I’m kind of shocked that relationship hasn’t already imploded
joined 2 weeks ago
Hell, North America. I guarantee a Mexican border incursion before 2025 ends.
Fistbump. Just playin.
Hell no, I’m gonna mix it in and think of you while I do it
Apologies, I was goofin’. I thought that the question itself was kind of a goof. Will probably delete, I suppose. Didn’t realize everyone took this so seriously.
Oh, no. Is this what it feels like to be an alt-right shithead?
Hey, Beavis. He said “fat nut.” Heheheheh.
As someone who has a tough time getting to sleep most nights, this actually sounds like hell.
Cool, cool. If only we’d had empty chair town halls in 1940 we could have stopped the Nazis so much faster