[-] yogurt@lemm.ee 35 points 1 month ago

Even if you like the bot you should be downvoting it because that puts it in a predictable spot: at the bottom, without getting in the way of real comments.

[-] yogurt@lemm.ee 28 points 3 months ago

The Soviet officer is Semyon Krivoshein, he's Jewish and not celebrating for multiple reasons. The Nazis occupied Brest when they weren't supposed to, Krivoshein got there and started negotiating to try to get them to leave. The Nazis were making a propaganda film out of this (which is where the picture comes from) so they wanted the Soviet army to have a parade with them. After an argument Krivoshein agreed that just him and some of his staff would stand there and watch the Nazis parade out of town in exchange for the Nazis leaving Polish prisoners they took in Brest.

Brest was 50% Jewish at this point, in Operation Barbarossa the Soviets defended for 6 days, Jewish Soviet officers were summarily shot by the Nazis, almost the entire Jewish population of Brest died in the Holocaust.

[-] yogurt@lemm.ee 21 points 3 months ago

Thus political economy – despite its worldly and voluptuous appearance – is a true moral science, the most moral of all the sciences. Self-renunciation, the renunciation of life and of all human needs, is its principal thesis. The less you eat, drink and buy books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorise, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save – the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor rust will devour – your capital. The less you are, the less you express your own life, the more you have, i.e., the greater is your alienated life, the greater is the store of your estranged being. Everything which the political economist takes from you in life and in humanity, he replaces for you in money and in wealth; and all the things which you cannot do, your money can do. It can eat and, drink, go to the dance hall and the theatre; it can travel, it can appropriate art, learning, the treasures of the past, political power – all this it can appropriate for you – it can buy all this: it is true endowment. Yet being all this, it wants to do nothing but create itself, buy itself; for everything else is after all its servant, and when I have the master I have the servant and do not need his servant. All passions and all activity must therefore be submerged in avarice.

[-] yogurt@lemm.ee 25 points 3 months ago

burned wood in the upper atmosphere also catalyzes ozone depletion That's why it was bad putting CFCs up there in the first place, almost everything catalyzes these reactions

[-] yogurt@lemm.ee 14 points 4 months ago

Accurate. No extra bucket, alleged "non-voters" guy isn't actually refusing to grab one, he just looks smug and isn't praising the Democrats. Dems aren't doing enough, boat's still going to sink. Democrats decided to bring two buckets instead of getting rid of the drill or the Republican. If "non-voters" guy stopped balancing the weight and came over to pat the Dems on the back like they want him to, they would just slide to the right and push their end of the boat under without having to wait for the hole to do it.

[-] yogurt@lemm.ee 21 points 4 months ago

Same Marx letter: “While the workingmen, the true political powers of the North, allowed slavery to defile their own republic, while before the Negro, mastered and sold without his concurrence, they boasted it the highest prerogative of the white-skinned laborer to sell himself and choose his own master, they were unable to attain the true freedom of labor, or to support their European brethren in their struggle for emancipation; but this barrier to progress has been swept off by the red sea of civil war.”

Unfortunately it wasn’t actually swept off, instead of “at least we aren’t slaves” it’s “at least we aren’t the periphery” that became the boasted prerogative making core country labor feel like it has more investment in the system and more to lose than it actually does, and keeping them demanding anti-immigration and anti-trade and bombs to maintain hegemony.

[-] yogurt@lemm.ee 13 points 4 months ago

Sometimes people are assigned progressive by social expectations and start playing that role without really thinking about it. She tried to write an apolitical generic kids book, and everybody's white, fat people are evil, and bankers are big nosed goblins. Then other people read it and started pointing things out, but she couldn't detect any of this herself so when she tried to be inclusive she just added Ching Chong the asian and a minstrel slave race. Need to make someone black, I said Hermione has ugly frizzy hair so I guess it's her. Need a gay, make it the asexual grandpa so it's not gross. Eventually something comes along that cracks their assumption that they must be progressive and they come out as right wing on Twitter.

[-] yogurt@lemm.ee 29 points 5 months ago


A lot of the arrests "at Columbia" were on the street outside when people showed up to protest the NYPD, so they're including those to juice the stats

[-] yogurt@lemm.ee 25 points 6 months ago

Fun story when they made that psycho Transformers movie with the laminated age of consent law and the product placement transformer made out of Oreo vending machines, Peltz's daughter is the teenager it's supposed to be legal to molest and Peltz was on the Oreo company board.

[-] yogurt@lemm.ee 13 points 7 months ago

Centrists think "We all want the same thing, why are you so biased against the fox's ideas about how to build the henhouse?" They don't believe the far right wants to exterminate, so the far left is evil for being willing to fight them.

[-] yogurt@lemm.ee 39 points 8 months ago

You're the one doing the man in street thing though. The post's point holds up statistically yours doesn't https://theintercept.com/2024/01/09/newspapers-israel-palestine-bias-new-york-times/

[-] yogurt@lemm.ee 55 points 9 months ago

China missiles filled with water, not fuel: US intelligence

Somebody fucked up the actual story somewhere along the way. A normal problem with liquid ICBMs like a DF5 is tiny amounts of water contamination in propellant. N2O4 is meant to sit in a missile for months but if even just the humidity in the air gets in to it, it forms nitric acid and corrodes the missile. That happened to US ICBMs like the Titan II constantly and the US never reliably stopped it, they just switched to solid fuel. If contractors cut corners building a silo water contamination causing corrosion is the first thing that would go wrong. Meth heads siphoning rocket fuel and trying to replace it with water and dying instantly in a massive explosion didn't happen.

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