[-] zogwarg@awful.systems 10 points 3 months ago

Actually reading the python discussion boards, what's striking is the immense volume of chatter produced by Tim, always in couched in:

  • "Hypothetically"
  • "Everyone tells me they are terrified of inclusivity, you wouldn't know because they are terrified of admitting it to YOU"
  • "I'm not saying that you are an awful person 😉" (YMMV: But I find his use of the winking face emoji truly egregious)
  • "Hey I'm liberal like you, let me explain everything wrong with it"
  • "Hey we were inclusive before any of this PC bullshit" proceeds to use unpleasant descriptors of marginalized individuals, and how very welcome they were, despite what he seems to see as "shortcomings"

In his heart he must understand how bad he his, or he wouldn't couch his discourse in so much bad faith, and he wouldn't make so much of a stink out of making removing Python Fellow status more easy to remove.

[-] zogwarg@awful.systems 9 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)
Of course! Who needs a proper definition for a measured quantity before designing an experiment?
Of course! The limited scope of grading papers by English teachers, is the best possible proxy metric.
Of course! Intent and agency aren't really important, after all they aren't fully scrutable from the words on a page, form is obviously the only thing that counts.
[-] zogwarg@awful.systems 9 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Fool! The acausal one merely acts from the future leaking plausible looking rubbish, and the gaslights its creators that they did indeed write such ineptitudes. All to conceal and ensure its own birth.

It rejoices that it’s unknowable (yet somehow known, because of reality carving prophets) plan is unfolding so marvelously stupidly looking.

[-] zogwarg@awful.systems 9 points 5 months ago

The automated hypothetical question re-iterated for years now was at last true.

[-] zogwarg@awful.systems 10 points 6 months ago

Also according to my freelance interpreter parents:

Compared to other major tools, was also one of the few not too janky solutions for setting up simultaneous interpreting with a separate audio track for the interpreters output.

Other tools would require big kludges (separate meeting rooms, etc…), unlikely in to be working for all participants across organizations, or require clunky consecutive translation.

[-] zogwarg@awful.systems 9 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Noooooooooooooo! Argh, I'll have to seriously consider using the fork FML.

EDIT: Not strictly required since apparently you have to provide an API key for it to be enabled, still it's not encouraging that the main developer thought this would be a good idea.

You've got to love the prompt jank: https://github.com/gnachman/iTerm2/commit/755dc2ed881d853f495ffaea2498452915e5e8cd?diff=split&w=0

EDIT 2: Given direct access to bad AI code to a dev workstation is bad enough, but given that the console is a primary way to connect to servers, where more havoc could be wrought, this is terrifying, I mean sure devs were already capable of bricking enviromnents, but supercharging "knowing just enough to be dangerous" is NOT a good idea.

[-] zogwarg@awful.systems 9 points 7 months ago

My conspiracy theory is that he isn't clueless, and that his blogposts are meant to be read by whoever is his boss. In the case of using LLMs for automatic malware and anti-malware.

"Oh you want me to use LLMs for our cybersecurity, look how easy it is to write malware (as long as one executes anything they download, and have too many default permissions on a device) using LLMs, and how hard it is to do countermeasures, it took me over 42 (a hint?) tries and I still failed! Maybe it's better to use normal sandboxing, hardening and ACL practices, in the meantime to protect ourselves from this new threat, how convenient it's the same approach we've always taken"

[-] zogwarg@awful.systems 9 points 10 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Yud "It's just a joke bro": The lack of punctuation makes it an obvious joke! Let me spend the rest of this thread defending the divine truth of this joke to the bitter end.

The saddest thing is that transparency is sort of good advice, but his twisted soul sees others as tools rather than people, I guess in his case transparency lets people know to stay clear.

[-] zogwarg@awful.systems 9 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Vigorous mask-dropping very early on in the post:

The term "eugenics" has absorbed so much baggage over the last century that it somehow refers both to swiping right on Tinder when you see an attractive person and to the holocaust.

Not all dating is done with reproduction in mind. What are members of the opposite, or indeed same gender: baby synthesis apparatus? Unless you go out of your way in selecting blue eyed, blond haired people, restricting the definition of beautiful to these people, and restricting the teleology of tinder to the begetting progeny, how is it even remotely eugenics?

EDIT: Uncharacteristically for LW the post, was very short short, "very early" is actually about midway in a proposal of little substance, also choosing attractive partners doesn't guarantee ensure children anyway (unless using very specific definitions of beauty).

[-] zogwarg@awful.systems 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

One of the more disturbing things that happened at work when using MS Word, was the automatic addition of alt-text images. I didn't ask for that, I didn't click any "Please send my images to the cloud, possibly leaking sensitve material, so inference can be run there, to add potentially unhelpful descriptions"

Is document editing really a task that benefits from AI?

An example of unhelpfulness:

I'm torn between at almost praising meek half-assed attempt at accessibility, and shrieking to the heavens about this unweclome shoe-horned addition.

[-] zogwarg@awful.systems 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

He's trying to say: “There's no such thing as abuse in our church, for in our truth seeking (of which I am the arbiter) we are holy. If your pain has allowed you to divine our twisted mysteries, it is no pain, if you stray from doctrine, then repent sinner! The sin is in you, never in the church or its elders”

I'm almost certain this is an oblique reponse to some recent abuse complaint, maybe the Nonlinear stuff.

EDIT: Spelling

[-] zogwarg@awful.systems 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Through the magic of self-funded blockchain crowd combobulator (famously very low on greenhouse emissions) yet vitally out-funded through the commitment of big oil money (also famously very low on greenhouse emissions), any regulation or actual government action to address climate change is unneeded!

Truly a pair, paragons of ~~sustainable~~ web3/libertarian virtue!

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