submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca

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submitted 2 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 2 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca

This is report discusses the cultural environment in which men's liberation occurs. It points out that the right has successfully weaponized neoliberal discontent to further it's anti-democratic goals. Under the heading "Self-Help Toxic Masculinists and Conspiritualists Weaponize WASH":

Self-help, already intimately intertwined with the hustle mindset, is today being infused with deeply misogynistic propaganda by far-right popular culture figures like Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, and Andrew Tate. [...] Through podcasts, webinars, interviews, lectures, and books, these men and others like them are using their enormous platforms to offer solutions to the so-called “crisis of masculinity”—a conservative talking point that warps the complex and legitimate social and economic issues facing men, particularly working-class men, into a rallying cry against progress and equality—in an effort to reassert male dominance, heteronormative gender roles, and traditional patriarchal family structures. To do this in a way that reaches wide swaths of people and allows for a shred of plausible deniability, they use the seemingly innocuous language of self-help and self-improvement.

Self-help and self-improvement reinforce the "neoliberal self", "an entrepreneurial subject" where "personal grown and fulfillment are said to be attained through competition with others." But, as the report repeatedly emphasizes, neoliberalism as a cultural order generates and regenerates deep, deep dissatisfaction with it.

Reading what I've read so far, I thought to myself, "What does men's liberation mean, exactly?" (I'm not sure why this community popped into my mind...but it did). Because, without this neoliberal angle, men's liberation risks thrusting men back into a misanthropic culture as feminists. Sure, that's better than being a right-wing, patriarchal zealot, but it's not truly liberating.

While I would obviously recommend the report itself, given that it's 50 pages, I understand that's incredibly unlikely. Maybe throw it in Claude and ask it some questions.

In any case, what do you think?

submitted 2 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 2 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Five@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 2 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 2 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 2 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca

"I’ve had many clients up and tell me that their friends, their family members, even their partners criticized them or mocked them for recognizing out loud that they were struggling. Of course we’re gonna be scared of being judged or seen as weak if we admit they’re struggling emotionally or mentally, if we know that’s happened before to others or even to us."

submitted 2 months ago by jeffw@lemmy.world to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 2 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 2 months ago by eardon@lemmy.ca to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca

Why are we continuing to use biased language?

submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca

Research found while antidepressant prescriptions have risen dramatically in the US for teenage girls and women in their 20s, the rate of such prescriptions for young men “declined abruptly during March 2020 and did not recover.”

submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 3 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca
submitted 4 months ago by spaduf@slrpnk.net to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca

Video Essay by non-binary video essayist Ryan Beard. It discusses misgony, missandry, and different strains of feminism, and explores how they approach men's issues in patriarchy.

Very interesting watch in my opinion.

submitted 4 months ago by m0darn@lemmy.ca to c/mensliberation@lemmy.ca

I have recently rewatched the movies Inside Out and Home Alone, having previously seen them while childless (I.O. as a young adult, H.A. many times at various ages).

The parental behavior draws a lot more of my attention, and it really changes the movie for me.

The parental panic when they don't know where their kid is, or if they're safe, just hits so much harder. Like, it's not that I didn't understand the movie before, I guess I just have a new appreciation for the parents emotions.

Are there any other movies that you appreciate differently now that you have different experiences?

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Men's Liberation

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