Upcoming EuroBSDCon NetBSD talk:
Flipping Bits: Memory Errors in the Machine
By Taylor R Campbell
(https://events.eurobsdcon.org/2024/talk/EHTVPK.ics)09-21, 11:45โ12:30 (Europe/Dublin), Foyer Aย **
We've all heard stories of the dreaded cosmic ray angrily flipping bits
in your RAM. But how much does it matter, really? And, more
importantly, how do you tell?
This talk will cover an overview of hardware architecture around
detecting and correcting memory errors, software support for handling
them and other types of hardware errors, and stories of memory errors
in the real world.
And, if the stars align, perhaps we'll have a live demo.
Taylor R Campbell
EuroBSDCon tickets are still available and it will be streamed and recorded for later release.