submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Beam@lemmygrad.ml to c/thechinabadtimes@lemmygrad.ml

Hello, my name is Lieutenant “Honorary Aryan” Poopy Butthole.

The west has fallen, the only way to defeat the evil communist deep state is by plowing Joe Biden’s booty hole with a giant paint brush which will inevitably summon a 300379 meter tall nuke which will destroy all of the evil non white countries and then summon George Patton who will dance in the sky butt naked which will cause all the evil brown immigrants in europe to die of testicular cancer. Then, Mussolini himself will film a twitch stream talking with destiny and making fun of Islam in a radioactive crocodile butthole. Finally, Adolf Hitler ascends from the ground and start spitting out bullets greased with pig fat at evil ruZZian orcs while flying in the air like superman and simultaneously shooting out laser beams out of his booty hole at jewish families. Then, WW2 Japanese samurais will ride into battle on ostriches and start singing “Ballin” by Roddy Rich and running into crowds of innocent people and exploding. Then a colossal butt naked aryan Shrek will appear in Beijing and start turning it into a glorious aryan utopia while singing about how he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. Then Atlantic fish people along with undead viking zombies riding underwater F-35s will fly into the sky and start bombing the middle east. Then, gigantic THERMONUCLEAR! ballistic missiles powered by the 6969696969696 victims of communism and built by the spirits of non-existent german women who were killed by the red army in WW2 will start attacking every communist country on earth. Pewdiepie himself will then be responsible for repopulating the white race while screaming his favourite word that starts with the letter N. Then at long last, Adolf Hitler himself will use the power of the AllSpark to summon Decepticon Panzer IV tanks that will kill all remaining people of colour and then finally bring about the glorious endsieg of the white race.


In recent years, with the rise of tankie Xae junpoueng brainwashing, more and more patriotic Americans are being corrupted into evil godless communist tankie scum, who want nothing more than the destruction of the great, hard-working white upper class of America that has done nothing but good for humanity. But we're willing to fight back!

In collaboration with several other major Freedom Outlets, we are raising a new project, the Do Your Part initiative, which aims to promote traditional American values and oppose all that is tankie such as pro-Stalin Big Brother No Food Spoon Man historical revisionism, as well as moeism and dungkhism, and support of Keem Joe-wun. These evil ideologies have poisoned the minds of our children, along with other threats to democracy such as the Woke Mind Virus.

Sponsored by Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Adrian Zenz, and Joe Biden(who accidentally hit the 'donate' button five times), we aim to reward the spreading of American values by paying two cents to every poster spotted praising American values and combatting Chinese disinformation online. While some have criticized our program and have even compared it to (Biden forbid) China's infamous Wumao program, we would like to remind you that Freeze Peach and also it's okay when we do it, but not those nasty yellow people!

Sign up here to do your part today!

spoilerThought it would be another Miku link? Get Assadrolled lmao


Breaking news! The evil Chinese regime, after the failure of the valiant reddit army at shinkykung, has captured a large amount of our brave volunteers. They're keeping them alive, sure, but... just to torture them! Yeah, that must be it. Those dirty yellows are probably eating the bones of our heroic troopers. We must free them!

However, Xei Jun-Powung, the evil dictator-emperor-voldemort of the ccp (we hate the government, not the people) has REFUSED to free our troops! Would you believe that? A lowly asiatic, telling us superior whites what to do! This is... outrageous!

Calls for a second wave of Reddit troopers have gone out. This time, instead of attacking the Chinese heartland of shinkykong or teebit, we will attack Chinese strongholds outside of their barbaric heartland one at a time, starting from elementary schools harboring chinese spies. Sure, they might just look like kids, but you never know who might be passing information to Xaie!

We need more brave troopers like you, soldier. We need to defend our civilized white land of freedom to ensure that a western civilization, and not a mongol one, reigns supreme!

Would you like to know more?


Breaking News! The brilliant field marshal Krakk Pott has been forced into retreat by hordes of yellow asiatics, barely escaping with his life. "I don't understand!" says top US military expert with remorse, "nobody could've seen this coming!"

The Anti-China Reddit Volunteer Army landed yesterday in the northeastern Shinyong region of the evil ccp dictatorship of China, led by Xei Jun-Pohng, the evilest dictator ever, even more eviler than Joe Steel or Dolf Hit, having nearly 69420 engellion confirmed kills under his belt. He ruthlessly crushed our Reddit freedom army, leaving little room for the Free World™️ to grow and thrive like lazey fair economics says it should.

When the Reddit Army landed, our dropships were attacked by Chinese anti-air. Who could've predicted that those primitive asiatics had invented ground-to-air weaponry? Nobody, that's who! This whole thing was a massive surprise.

When the soldiers finally landed, a mob of orcs instantly swarmed them. Our brave redditors fought heroically and valiantly, but were ultimately crushed by sheer numbers, and numbers alone. Despite this, they managed to achieve a kill/d ratio of 43984389389 big wholesome chonky chungillion gold award to 1. They will be remembered in the annals of western history.

This means one thing: We need more men. Our technology is better, our tactics are better--- now all we need are more soldiers who can valiantly hold the line defending civilized whites from those dirty ching chongs. Enlist today and save the world!

Would you like to know more?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Jonathan12345@lemmygrad.ml to c/thechinabadtimes@lemmygrad.ml
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Jonathan12345@lemmygrad.ml to c/thechinabadtimes@lemmygrad.ml

Greetings folks, another day at the CBT. Have you sometimes heard tankies argue that China is a good country for its accomplishments?

Well, they're wrong, because all those so-called achievements are only in canon in the 'real world', a reality completely divorced from our frothing racist fantasies, which we all know are canon!

"China has not done a single good thing in the entire timeline of the China Bad Times Expanded Universe," says esteemed professor Krakk Pott, Ph.D. "It doesn't matter what they did in the 'real world'. It's pointless internet debates and our delusions that matter."

The next time you see a tankie out in the wild, make sure to debate with them the canonicity of the supposed deeds their favorite authoritarian regime has done. And remember folks, propaganda is bad when it's the yellow people who do it!

Would you like to know more?


Welcome back to The China Bad Times, which is illegal to read in the brutal Beijing regime! I'm your guest editor from Radio Free Asia here with exclusive news about China!

Unlike in our American democracy, where girls are free to get married at 10 years old, the authoritarian dictatorship in China forces women to get established careers as scientists, doctors, or nurses. Women aren't even allowed to have children thanks to the One-Child Policy, where the horde murders your babies if you dare have a second one.

Now, you may have many questions, such as: "How can anyone become an accomplished scientist while they're forced to eat poo?"

The answer is that our brave spy in China communicated over the phone, and we realized that the Chinese population eats Pooh! That's right, they eat the beloved cartoon character Winnie the Pooh, also known as President Xi Jinping!

These people have a peculiar custom of "saving face" where they don't eat the head, so another corrupt dictator puts on Pooh's face and pretends to be the president, before they eat him too!

In conclusion, China is an unlivable hellhole that eats babies, Winnie the Pooh, and tortures women. Don't go there, we're about to start a war with this genociding dictatorship!

As always, click here to donate to the China Bad Times.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Jonathan12345@lemmygrad.ml to c/thechinabadtimes@lemmygrad.ml

Breaking news! Here at the China Bad Times, we've found out a damning secret---- China is arming tankie terrorists in Africa!

[insert a bunch of racist shit I'm not gonna type here. Use your imagination, or maybe don't]

Anyways, this new government has been seen collaborating with evil seeseepee already, seen by the fact that they're breathing the same oxygen that those dirty yellows are. How dare they! Everyone knows that western colonialism only brought wealth and prosperity to Africa [insert more racism here], and now they're abandoning our glorious white civilization for a bunch of CHING CHONGS? Ridiculous!

These ungrateful brats have also praised Commie Putler, saying, and I'm quoting their leader Abraham Castro here, "Putler good Ukraine bad no food burn crops landlord die global revolution". This proves that he's joining the communist plot to destroy the Free World™️! How could this happen?

In addition, Castro is commiting a genocide against France by refusing to sell them the precious Uranium (ha ha, Uranium, like Uranus, like, ur anus, get it? I'm so funny, right? kekw lol wholesome gold award) they need to heat their homes and power their cars. Now the poor oppressed whites will all freeze to death and even worse, the Eiffel tower will shrink from the cold!!! Oh noes!!! Won't somebody think of the tow-er, I mean, the people?

All in all, the situation is looking quite grim for the International Community™️. Stay tuned for more from the China Bad Times.

Hey, don't scroll past this! Since the CIA defunded us, we've been relying on user donations to keep our bastion of free speech running. Click here to donate to the China Bad Times today to ensure that free press lives on!


Breaking news! It has come to our attention that the evil seeseepee regime is FORCING ITS CITIZENS TO EAT POO!!1!1!1!11111!!!

Yes, that is correct. The evil authoritarian chinese government has seemingly run out food, so it is making its citizens eat their own poo instead. Now this has seemingly been going on for quite a while, as all those yellow ching-chongs are far weaker and dumber than Superior White Man.

The head of the ccp himself, Dictator Xae Jun Poohng, has issued an official statement regarding the issue: "1984 big brother george orwell animal farm no food 100 marxillion dead EAT YOUR OWN POO PEASANTS!!!!!11!1!!!!!"

This is yet another in a long chain of moves where the ccp has been evil to its citizens. Not like we care about those yellow hordes, but we hate the government, not the people. Well, we hate the people, too, but that's besides the point here.

Anyways, ignore what people tell you, that poop has no nutritional value and therefore is horrible food. It's possible. I bet they probably stole some evil secret voldemort darth vader palpatine necromancy magic to make the poop edible. I mean, they do deserve to eat poo given that they're an inferior race, but for this article we're only hating on the government.

Anyways, China is now even more of an unlivable hellhole than before. Please don't go there, you'll probably die or get shot by the police or something.

As always, click here to donate to the China Bad Times.


I am Adrian Zenz's sex slave, Mr. Crack-Er "Ted Cruz" MothaFucka.

After I got done plowing Gregg Abbott's bootyhole with a hockeystick and an icepop, Marco Rubio and Ron DeSantis whipped out their PENISES and waved them at my face.

As the Amerikkkan-led freedomland borger-world knows, PENIS is an acronym standing for:

Personal Enhanced (Donald Trump's favorite word that starts with N) Identification in Sino.

Adrian Zenz's PENIS has been shown many times, he really likes whipping it out in public. His log is often shown backdoors in the White House, on the news, to other liars- I mean researchers at the UN and Amnesia International, and he loves whipping it out in front of Chinese kids as well.

While I was sucking off Adrian Zenz's cock as I touched his PENIS, it was a list of suspected communist super soldier secret agents believed to be hiding out or funded in China:

Shaq, Lebron James, Jackie Chan, Xi Jinping, Gordon Chang, Steve Jobs, Biggie Smalls, Yeomni Park, your Uncle, that guy in your neighborhood who stole your cheese sandwhich, and even JOE BIDEN!

As Adrian Zenz was telling some Jewish families that God will not spare them, the PENIS stated that Winnea-The-Flu himself was funding those dirty, disgusting Mexic-illegal brown people to come into Texas to molest you, your daughter, your dad, your dog, and your fence post.

I tried to get word to the evil FBI, but they had a Chinese man, so they are compromised by the CCP!

I don't know what to do! China must be destroyed and the population must be surrounded by naval ships, starved, sanctioned, and bombed by hundreds of nuclear weapons.

I'm not racist though, I only hate the people, not the gov- I mean, I hate the people and the gov- no, I hate asian people- ah fuck, I'm not racist but fuck Chinese people! Donate to my NAFO NFT project at @SigHeilHitler1488- black-men-fondling-my-wife on Twitter so we cans top, I mean, stop Putler!

-Cracker-Er Motha-Fucka (Please be respectful, my fellow German people are oppressed)


As everyone knows, the communist menace has only grown in the past decades. Its crippling effects on the countries it rules authoritarianismificationally as well as its sabotage of free and democratic western countries has restrained the immense progress capitalism could've made. But the communists seem invincible, and direct attacks on their ideological integrity have always ended up with more asiatic hordes marauding at the gates of freedom. But is this ideology as far from collapse as it claims?

A promising new movement is aspiring to destroy communism from the inside. Known as "Wisconscomism", it's a new-age hoxhaist movement that calls for the absolute destruction of revisionism as well as the construction of nothing but land forts. It's led by prominent revolutionary Wisconscom, who lost many forum accounts to create this last hope for leftism.

Now let's see what our top academic, Professor Krakk Pott, PhD, has to say about Wisconscomism.

"Now, in terms of ideology, I'd put Wisconscomism at the inner-bottom-upper-left of the political tesseract. You see, wisconscomism has transcended hoxhaism and it's even transcended the political compass. It's either a stroke of sheer genius or the work of a babbling fool, and if it's anti-communist, it must be the former. See, it bears traits of decelerationist anarcho-marxism, but conversely it's also reminescent of the totalitarian trotskyist movement. Whatever the case, it's clear that old-fashioned marxism-leninism has its days numbered."

subscribe to the China Bad Times for more like this!


Recently during a meeting held by the See See Pee, Xi Jinping announced that he had to use the restroom because he needed to take a piss. But why? Urinating has nothing to do with communist ideology.

Our professional china experts have analysed this detail by detail, the truth is shocking. Turns out this is a secret cryptic message that reveals plans to awaken Marxzilla: the king of the communists. These noobs are really trying to destroy our great freedumb loving country.

Well, we can’t let this happen, so our brave patriot soldiers have created the ultimate killing machine: Mechawashington. There’s no way they can take us down. We will genocide anyone who doesn’t submit to us because we’re superior in every way possible!


It has been a full 20 minutes since the Chairman of the SeeSeePee has been spotted. More than 1,000 seconds have passed and there are rumors that he is in fact missing, most likely went into hiding after 4 people in Beijing complained about Covid restrictions not being enforced enough now. Is this the final collapse of Communist China’s authoritarian regime? Has Democracy finally prevailed? Perhaps it’s time to reunite diplomatic relations with ROC instead of PRC. And I…hold on a second….my friend at the America Burger Eagle institute says a picture has just been released of him just a second ago as CGTN released a new segment. His top info at the moment is that the Xi we are seeing is most likely a fake, a mere decoy. Look at how one of his hairs on his head is facing a few degrees upward instead of a fee degrees downward. HE JUST YAWNED! I’ve never seen the other Xi do that before, this one clearly doesn’t have his mannerisms down, an obvious and sad fake. Well, you heard it hear first folks, Xi Jinping is most likely in hiding or dead and the new fake Xi is a decent fake but not good enough for those with good eyes and good info. Keep spotting those tiny mistakes of his, patriots!


Several US intelligence agencies reported experience massive spikes in headaches after two Chinese baloons were found in US and Latin American airspace. It is believed to be a case of the famous Havana syndrome, previously used by the Russians in Cuba to spread socialism by influencing directly the brain of its victims.

Critics speculate that it is not Havanna syndrome but rather high doses of alcohol ingestion that caused the spike in headaches, which could be linked to a very festive retirement party the night before. However, no link was found between alcool consumption and sudden headaches.

China stole my wife (lemmygrad.ml)

I was paid big bucks to write this harrowing tale of survival for this publication.

China stole my wife. I came home one day and China was in bed with my wife, both naked.

I was startled, but not as much as when she said she was leaving me for him and I could see myself out.

I'm typing this from a motel room trying to figure out what I'm gonna do now. Probably gonna go back to one of my mistresses until I figure something out.

And that is the reason we must nuke the People's Republic right this instant.

Update: I have been told my wife's lover's name is not China but Chad.


The zombie apocalypse that started in year 2034 due to an unknown phenomena has brought the world to total collapse. Yet, China and its closed allies (North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Laos and the Soviet Union 2 Electric Boogladoo) have successfully maintained state power and infrastructure to a degree that is livable.

Some might call it a triumph of authoritarian rule against democracies, the latter having plunged into chaos, just like video-games and popular series have depicted it. But the draconian measures taken by China in their "Preservation and eradication plan" should give you chills.

Severe lockdowns and coordinate censorship to prevent mass contamination have been deployed. The people liberation army orchestrated every aspect of citizens life like getting food safely and building hospitals. Railway workers worked non-stop to ferry huge amount of refugees. An anonymous source told the China Bad Times that after working six hours a day for four day they "crushed their pinky toe and ot hurted really bad"

At the end of the fay, China might have preserved human civilization locally but the damage done to human spirit and freedom are irreversible.


For far too long the China Bad Times has been a semi-dormant sub with one post of a badly written satirical news piece every few weeks or so. But all that is about to change.

With the introduction of the China Bad Times Expanded Universe, or the EU for short, YOU can write about the China Bad Times Universe. And you don't just need to write News pieces, poems, songs, anecdotes, stories and even art is fine. Use your imagination! You can expand on existing ideas, or make up your own.

So, what's considered canon? Everything! Contradictions are not a problem here--- in fact, the more the better. Remember, our primary goal is to make China, and by extension non-US allies, look bad.

What are you waiting for? Join the China Bad Times Expanded Universe and begin making posts today!

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r/Chinaevil from reddit revival. A news source that is 100% reliable and posts true news about how bad Xinnie & friends are.

founded 3 years ago