Russell Barkley is a top researcher in the field (well, was, recently retired) who now makes videos on state of the art research on ADHD. He definitely has a few videos on stimulants.
Also, Adderall or other adhd meds may help your self control to stop smoking.
I appreciate the info, I'ma have to look him up and his research. I would like to try Vyvanse now that they have a generic version; see if it planes me out a little better. I did quit smoking for 2 years once, so I know I can do it again. It's kind of a mental gymnastics thing lol
Russell Barkley is a top researcher in the field (well, was, recently retired) who now makes videos on state of the art research on ADHD. He definitely has a few videos on stimulants.
Also, Adderall or other adhd meds may help your self control to stop smoking.
I appreciate the info, I'ma have to look him up and his research. I would like to try Vyvanse now that they have a generic version; see if it planes me out a little better. I did quit smoking for 2 years once, so I know I can do it again. It's kind of a mental gymnastics thing lol