Man, an animated series a la Clone Wars about the origins of the Jaffa with Christopher Judge could be epic.
I want an origin series about the Asguards first contacts with earth, and the rise of Viking lore
Or something more comedic along the lines of Lower Decks, maybe from the POV from some System Lord Grunt?
Call it "The Setesh Guards"
The serpent guards eyes glow.
The Horus Guard's beak glistens...
Man, an animated series a la Clone Wars about the origins of the Jaffa with Christopher Judge could be epic.
I want an origin series about the Asguards first contacts with earth, and the rise of Viking lore
Or something more comedic along the lines of Lower Decks, maybe from the POV from some System Lord Grunt?
Call it "The Setesh Guards"
The serpent guards eyes glow.
The Horus Guard's beak glistens...