My turn to switch into ArchSocks.
Unixporn + ThighHighs
All non-meme pictures must contain a human wearing thigh high socks.
All non-meme pictures must contain a device running a unix-like OS. Android and WSL are not permitted.
No Bigotry, Cissexism, Transphobia , Homophobia, Enbyphobia (anti Non-Binary Gender), Anti-ND (Anti-Neurodiversity), Sexism, Racism, etc. Non-compliance with this rule will result in a ban. The ban may be revoked after a plead.
NSFW post must have NSFW flag.
That looks like a cable. Headphones or charging or, at this day and age, both.
At this day in age? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your room?
The red wire is my headphone cable. Not battery involved, it's a simple stereo+microphone jack.