Americans’ New TV Habit: Subscribe. Watch. Cancel. Repeat.
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Hmm, would you use a streaming service if it were pay-as-you-go? Rather than subscribe/unsubscribe all the time, only get charged when you actually watch something? Basically PPV Netflix. But also assume that the per-view charge would have to be higher than the monthly subscription fee.
You mean amazon rentals? Not my thing but a lot of people use it.
Yeah, that basically is what I had in mind. I've used it a few times, but something about paying a one-time rental fee when I'm already paying monthly streaming subscriptions feels... egregious? or wasteful? I'm not really sure.
But if I think about it, paying specifically to see something that I want to watch when I want to watch it makes more sense than paying a constant fee for a service that I don't even use every month.