Hexbear Proposals chapo.chat matrix room.
This will be a place for site proposals and discussion before implementation on the site.
Every proposal will also be mirrored into a pinned post on the hexbear community.
Any other ideas for helping to integrate the two spaces are welcome to be commented here or messaged to me directly.
Within Hexbear Proposals you can see the history of all site proposals and react to them, indicating a vote for or against a proposal.
Sending messages will be restricted to verified and active hexbear accounts older than 1 month with their matrix id in their hexbear user profile.
All top level messages within the channel must be a Proposals (idea for changing the site), Feedback (regarding non-technical aspects of the site, for technical please use https://hexbear.net/c/feedback), or Appeals (regarding admin/moderator actions).
Discussion regarding these will be within nested threads under the post.
To gain matrix verification, all you need to do is navigate to my hexbear userprofile and click the send a secure private message including your hexbear username.
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Literally lol, that's the funniest thing I've heard in a few days. I do remember studying physics and getting a bit like "ok but wtf are numbers cause this is a mess?" and studying sets in my own time, then a bit of field theory and going "Oh yes, this actually makes sense now" although I was only ever at the level of amateur dabbler.
I burned out of a physics PhD (funniest thing I've heard that referred to is "I have a post mortem in X") but even by the time I started it I just wished I could go back and choose pure maths, it's not like there are jobs for physics anyway :P (unless you want to make bankers richer, or build weapons which both indelibly mar the soul). Algebraic topology is something I will understand one day. I just need more time, and to move closer to a uni. Even if I'm like 70 and wasting state money I'm gonna study it some day.
Yeah it's reasonable, I guess I don't want people just thoughtstopping at "you can't divide by zero" and never thinking there's anything deeper to it instead of maybe going "well, what is division by zero why can you do it sometimes and not other times? why do we sometimes pretend we can do it in systems where we can't?". At the end of the day I think we're on the same side of "maths is cool and people should learn more of it's nuances" but worry about people taking different things from the same trivial remark haha.
Good luck on getting back to it! I hope you do better than me at your studies. It's such a fun little world of order and puzzles.