What are the best ways to start a home media server legally?
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I don't understand. Can you please explain? from a Canadian Vancouverite
Downloading pirated material isn’t illegal in Canada, sharing it is. Usenet can be configured to use port 443 so everything is encrypted and appears as HTTPS traffic to your ISP. There is also no uploading/seeding with Usenet, unlike torrents so it is 100% legal in Canada.
It's definitely illegal to download some things. Copying audio to audio recording media is legal because of a levy we pay on the media, but software, movies, books are a different story.
What constitutes "audio recording medium" is still a question not completely answered by the courts and it seems that most copyright owners are not willing to test it in court and more than happy to just threaten with options to settle before legal action is taken and see who flinches.
Meanwhile the authorities have stated in the past that going after downloaders of any copyrighted material is not a priority unless they are also distributing copyrighted works.