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Wow that is incredibly fucked up. Mao proves to have been right in the strangest of situations.
I dunno, I can't force you to wear the skirt, especially against your own safety/at risk of eviction. Unless you want me to ig? I was in a lot more privileged a position, (even though I got kicked out lol) but personally I made transition, and making my body comfortable and enjoyable for me, my top priority. I thought, fuck anyone else having a say in what I do with my body and self.
I'm already wearing the skirts fully dolling up etc sometimes when I go out, I just meant for starting hrt or something that makes presenting as masc difficult etc for when I see them.
Ohhhh! I mean, you could always just boymode around them anyway if that's more comfortable/safe for you!! You could bind if you end up needing to, but if you don't announce it they probably won't notice honestly.
Hmm makes sense. Thanks for listening doll