Idk what to do. I might be trans, might just be someone who wants to look cute and I can't tell the difference anymore. Also permanently transitioning will come at great personal cost and might be a unique safety issue. Also I never had any dysphoric thoughts before 26-27y of age. I'm 31 now I've lived most of my life as a straight man maybe just keep going lmao. But I do have gender envy for days. Point being why now. Also it'll break my mother's heart if she so much as sees me in a skirt. Dad's too lol. Say what you will about 'that's on them, not your problem, transphobes bad' I can't help but love and care about them, they've really tried as parents. they're just heavily indoctrinated old ppl with calcified brains.

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[-] BountifulEggnog@hexbear.net 10 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Well if you really want advice, here's some I can't follow myself, at least yet. (I try not to give advice I can't follow normally but shrug-outta-hecks) Sorry if it sounds harsh, a lot of that harshness is directed inwards.

Live your best life, wearing all the skirts you desire. It's okay to make your life about you, not making other people happy. I mean, how sad is that? Making your only life about people who don't want you to be yourself? We get one single, short life on this earth. If wearing skirts makes you happy you should do it, and if wearing boy clothes makes you sad you shouldn't. If your parents are incompatible with you being happy, pick yourself.

*this advice is assuming no immediate danger

**also I hope if you actually need money, you post on mutual aid

[-] Alizarin@hexbear.net 3 points 3 months ago

Thank you for saying this, I hope that in time you can make it a guiding principle for yourself as well.

this post was submitted on 07 Jul 2024
52 points (96.4% liked)


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