Mozilla’s system only measures the success rate of ads—it doesn’t help companies target those ads—and it’s less susceptible to abuse, EFF’s Lena Cohen told “It’s much more privacy-preserving than Google’s version of the same feature.”
Privacy experts say the new toggle is mostly harmless, but Firefox users saw it as a betrayal.
“They made this technology for advertisers, specifically,” says Jonah Aragon, founder of the Privacy Guides website. “There’s no direct benefit to the user in creating this. It’s software that only serves a party other than the user.”
Since I think of myself as a reasonable person, and I agree with what said by the privacy guides editor, that means I'm also a "ignorant conspiracy theorist" and I may be just conspiring about my ignorance but I don't appreciate being devalued as such.
Mozilla purchased a advertisement company... that's a pretty strong step towards monetization.
One has nothing to do with another, since the other person replied with logical fallacies, I'll point out that you're using a false cause. Regarding your feeling devalued when you bandwagon and push a false narrative in order to assist in manufacturing outrage is on you.
And for the record, reasonable people stick to the facts, they don't pull random bits of information to support theories with zero standing.