OpenWrt One WiFi 6 router samples are now available
Hosting your own services. Preferably at home and on low-power or shared hardware.
Also check out:
Definitely want one of those. My adblock and PiHole are both refusing to allow the link for the $89 samples to load, so will probably have to wait until they're more generally available.
Also wish it had 2.5 Gb LAN as well so it could replace my current, power-hungry router for my 2 Gb service. However, $89 is still a good deal for an OpenWRT Wifi 6 access point.
Protip: Run a socks5h proxy server on the pi that does not use its own DNS resolver. Then FoxyProxy on your browser with the default being off/direct. Then whenever you need it, switch that one tab to use the proxy to bypass your blocking.