That's a bit unfair. You can actually buy a flying car today. A few companies recently got their vehicle fully certified and are doing commercial sales. It's not cheap. If you can't afford a second Ferrari don't bother.
The future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed. is one for example. Certified for road and air. You need a pilot license and a driving license. And it needs a short runway to take off or land. €499,000 excluding tax.
That's a bit unfair. You can actually buy a flying car today. A few companies recently got their vehicle fully certified and are doing commercial sales. It's not cheap. If you can't afford a second Ferrari don't bother.
The future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed.
@SlopppyEngineer Ok so define flying car? How is a flying car possible lol. Shape of car will be aerodynamic maybe is one for example. Certified for road and air. You need a pilot license and a driving license. And it needs a short runway to take off or land. €499,000 excluding tax.
Holy gucamoly! How does the engineering work?? I never seen something like this bruh 🤯
Edit: Damn, seems like something like this was tried before too but did not last for long it seems
Yeah, turns out it's easier and cheaper to charter a jet and rent a car at the destination.