Dé-fédération de hexbear
Status du serveur jlai.lu
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: ouisnoopy@jlai.lu
: non car si le serveur jlai.lu est en pamne le compte aussi.Meta
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Nos tutos :
See? You literally just say shit that has no connection to reality. Here you claim to read. You have proven to everyone that you do not. Not only by your ignorant handling of the original comment you replied to, but also now by ignoring both my statement and reasoning behind pointing out that you DO NOT adapt your tone to the one you're responding to!
Nothing you say means anything because everything you say is predetermined by your attitude alone. You don't read. Even if you did it would have no effect on what your opinion or response is. It has been shown now twice.
wew lad, this must be shit tier bait
I no longer feel sympathy towards the french for 'le meme' because it turns out that's actually how you act
Kinda cringe than in all french history, that's what it took you.
are you okay?