Dé-fédération de hexbear
Status du serveur jlai.lu
NB : La communauté de secours s'utilise avec votre compte alternatif du fédiverse hors jlai.lu.
Exemple :
: ouisnoopy@jlai.lu
: non car si le serveur jlai.lu est en pamne le compte aussi.Meta
Meta est dédié à la discussions autour de l'instance lemmy : proposition, suggestion, amélioration, personalisation, recrutement de modos, promo de communauté...
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Si vous rencontrez des soucis avec Lemmy, le fédiverse, merci d'utiliser : !support@jlai.lu
Nos tutos :
Good morning,
I simply showed you what's wrong with your behaviour. You haven't answered any point and avoid them which is understandable.
You are right to be wrong, we are not even in a ring.
Why i go to such lenght with you ? Because i believe in you. I believe you can change. I believe you can improve and it may have an positive impact in your life too. A positive change.
You will see people here will be opening more and willing to share their idea, opinion. You may learn new thing as we do. We may dance together.
That was probably not your first account, there is an low probability that marxmadness from hexbear belong to you. But that's not the point.
You went and were taking part on a topic about "defederating hexbear or not". So you went here to protect them. I pointed out the fact you supported several post with free insult including the one i screenshooted and continue to do so. I expected this.
There are people who can't bear insult, humilation and then they commit suicide. What will happen ? Don't do that, don't support people who do that.
If you apologized, admited you did vote them and removed them, then i stop. I wanted to see if you were able to recognize your mistakes and try to amend them.
And i have good hope in you, you can achieve that.
That's the most important thing for our moderation team, at least that's how we manage it.
Have a nice morning. :)
Stop spamming my inbox