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This is a community for designs specifically crafted to make the experience worse for the user. This can be due to greed, apathy, laziness or just downright scumbaggery.
Why tf not. Videos get deleted at times. Or for offline watching. Lots of reasons really.
Eh fair. I honestly hadn't even considered downloading from the website cuz that just doesn't feel like piracy to me. I was picturing somebody torrenting Mr beast
Ah yeah, I get what you mean. But basically anything where people cannot directly download a video but have to resort to some additional software to download the video, that's basically piracy.
Now some people won't know about yt-dlp and the sorts, so they maybe even do go for torrents, again, why not? If you are such a fan of Mr. Beast (no judgement here) and that dude has surely hundreds if not thousands of videos by now, a torrent could include all of a series of his videos that you are interested in. So it is actually then more convenient to torrent them instead of downloading them one by one.
Tldr different people have different interests and usecases
It's not piracy to download YouTube videos. You already do that when you watch the video on your device.
So why does the official site not allow direct downloads? Why do we need projects like yt-dlp to download? Why is YouTube constantly changing so that yt-dlp and others need to keep up to keep being able to download?
Edit: and with that explanation nothing would be piracy?
Official site allows direct downloads, the option is just hidden from less savvy users. What you're arguing is basically the "you don't access the content as google means to, so it's piracy" shit that's used to scare people away from adblockers too
I think piracy starts from where you start distributing restricted content to other people, to allow them to also enjoy that content. That's also very based