The terrible price of knowledge
A place to share history memes!
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Wait . . . for reals?
It's a joke from another meme. There was much debate about how to pronounce gif. Is it like the beginning of give or more like jiffy.
This is a level 2 meme, you have to know a level 1 meme to understand this one.
*rubs forehead*
There . . . is. NO. DEBATE. GRAPHICS Interchange Format. GIF.
. . . so tired . . .
so very tired . . .
And how would you pronounce jpeg? J-PEG?
Or j-feg?Joint PHOTOGRAPHIC experts group. There... Is NO. DEBATE.
...so tired...
Also laser would like to speak with you. And oddly enough a giraffe.
And it's Giraffe and Laser in german, so whatever.
I've got a gift for that giraffe. It's a jay-pedge.
It's an initialism, not an acronym.