ELI5 How data can be transferred by a laser or beam?
Simplifying Complexity, One Answer at a Time!
Okay, here's a silly explanation.
Imagine two people want to communicate. They shall be named Alice and Bob. It's night, and they're too far away to hear each other; but each has an electric torch, and they can see the light coming off the other person's torch.
Those torches are fancy. They have two settings: "strong" (big arse blinding light) and "weak" (wee light, but still visible). Let's call a strong flash "1" and a weak flash "0" for short.
They also have a code, that they use to interpret the flashes of light that they send each other. Here it is; check the "binary" column. For example, if Alice sent Bob a weak flash, then a strong flash, then weak, strong, weak, weak, strong, strong, then Bob is supposed to interpret this as an "S".
This is already enough to communicate. Like this:
Remember, each "0" is a weak flash and each "1" is a strong flash. When we decode it with the table from the link, here's what you get:
Now. Messing around with the settings of a torchlight is slow, painful, and annoying. So is to watch closely for light flashes, write them down, and decode them with a table. So... let's use machines to do so?
Okay, now let's replace the torch. We want something that emits light that you can see from as far as reasonably possible; like, from Mars if you want. We could instead use light that has been amplified by radiation, it's really strong and directed. The common name for that is "laser".
Hell, just use Morse as an example, instead of binary. Even simpler.
Alice and Bob have taught many.