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Not in terms of wow factor, we're all impressed you'd put yourself through that, but in terms of stability, I find it's much easier to keep an arch install healthy. I urge you to use arch instead. For your own sanity. Trust me, I've been there. And I wouldn't go back. I love gentoo, but why in the name of JK Rowling's beard is it not rolling release?
I know. I only tried gentoo for the sake of it, on a VM. I'm not actually mad enough to install it as a daily driver, I don't do much distro hopping tbh. I'd say it is not rolling release because maintaining source based packages is very very time consuming to be doing it on every version of every package.
I've been using Debian from the beginning, and I don't plan on switching to any other distro any time soon, also I don't like rolling release distros like arch. I am currently very happy on Debian 12 uwu, a very sane, very stable, very functional and utilitarian distro which is what I need to code and play on
Okay, I'm about to blow your mind here. You can download a build script for any package for any distro. Example for your beloved debian. You could make a source based distro from the publically available archlinux PKGBUILD files and a custom package manager. That ain't the issue lass.
... Gentoo is a rolling release? At least in the sense that there's no master version number for the distribution.