Deferated from hexbear.net
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I might have to make a new account here. I made a comment and then edited it to address a Q_Anon adjacent hexbear user that replied to me. It's really strange. They say they are extreme leftists on their sidebar, but their politics are anti-Western, which puts them essentially with NK, China, and Russia, which are an authoritarian brand of communist or fascist that prosecutes and imprisons trans, LGBTQ+, etc,.
At this point I think they are simply trying to get reactions and shit stir for lulz. Getting told I should die because I corrected a Hexbear's use of misinformation is surreal. I never thought an extreme Leftist or five would openly and brazenly support a regime that literally made supporting LGBTQ+ stuff a crime only a year or two ago. It's wild.
Where you hear extreme or radical anything don't think they are just further along on a line. Most often they break the line and turn 90 degrees into another dimension into delusions from baby eating cabals to lizard people secretly running the government.
Trying to apply logic to their thinking is not a useful exercise as the foundations to their thinking isn't based on logic. It's based on emotion.