Star Trek: Discovery’s upcoming fifth season will be its final voyage
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Discovery I feel had some good storylines, but it had some of the most boring, forced, slow, touchy-feely character development I've seen.
I remember there were plenty of people who complained about it's "wokeness" because of how they zeroed in on the LGBT relationships and it really felt like the focus on the show was about relationships, not about the overarching journey.
When you're watching Voyager, it's all about the journey and getting home, there's relationships there, but they don't take minutes at a time on screen, it's mixed into the story in small bursts.
I'm still keen to see how they wrap it up after the DMA storyline, maybe piecing the federation back together?
Yeah but voyager famously has almost 0.chsrecter development in their ten year mission..
Any you do get is reset by a time whimy wipe