what sniffing glue does to your brain
Dunking on Tankies from a leftist perspective.
A tankie is someone who defends/supports authoritarian or even totalitarian regimes who call themselves "socialist". The term originated from people supporting the 1956 invasion of Hungary by the Soviet Union. Nowadays they are just terminally online, denying genocides, and falling for totalitarian propaganda and calling such regimes "true democracies". remember to censor usernames when necessary.
Please be sure to obscure usernames on posts to prevent doxxing.
I know amount of explaining that NATO is a defence alliance seems to to work.
NATO exists because of Russian aggression. If they stopped trying to attack every country touching there borders it would be fine and NATO wouldn't need to exist.
I mean there's a case to be made that NATO expansionism is bad and does have a destabilizing effect and that trying to isolate the region for what may be mostly historical reasons isn't really helping in the grand scheme of things.
Then Russia goes and threatens to invade Finland or something and it's like "oh yeah, that's why".
I just loved all the people who were going "Russia respects borders and doesn't invade other countries" when they had tried literally the exact same thunder run strategy with Georgia not that long before Ukraine.
Russian propaganda literally says that "Russia has no borders"