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This application of deep learning would apply to music suitable for playing DDR/ITG/Stepmania/Stepmaniax/PIU etc.; essentially music gaming:
Most music that would be reasonably fun to play falls within 110-240BPM and runs between 2.5 and 7 minutes long. At 110BPM, a song with a coded 110BPM, but a true BPM of 110.001 will drift by roughly 2ms. Music games are predicated on timing precision down to 15ms as a minimum. I, myself, hit notes within a rough range of 6ms at my best (and I'm barely top 100 in the world).
scorecard for reference
You can produce the audio with arbitrary temporal precision, the issue is that this precision is simply impossible to reconstruct given the low number of "virtual sample points per time" (as in relevant for the BPM), same goes for the discussed wavelength of the actual sound, putting up yet another limit, where just measuring the frequency becomes less and less accurate/possible.