I'd actually forgotten about this until I saw the post, when I was about 12 or 13 I was on the bus home from the beach and about halfway a a few skaters got on with their girlfriends and I apparently was in a seat they wanted, they sat all around me and just started talking shit, I wasn't really bother and was giving it back to them, one of the fucker was picking at his crusty knee and managed to pull of a massive scab and he threw it at me like a firsbee and the fucking thing hit and stuck right to my cheek. I flicked it off and stupidly thought I'd get a fair fight so rushed the kid and they all jumped me, bus driver just kept on his route without a care in the world.. one of the girlfriends finally got them all off me and we continued a very awkward bus ride
Solidified, dead blood. Is it still part of you, or is it just stuck in you like a cork? Quick, rip it off to get rid of this existentialist grey area by throwing it out the window.
"Crust from your wound"? You couldn't word it a bit more disgustingly?
I'd actually forgotten about this until I saw the post, when I was about 12 or 13 I was on the bus home from the beach and about halfway a a few skaters got on with their girlfriends and I apparently was in a seat they wanted, they sat all around me and just started talking shit, I wasn't really bother and was giving it back to them, one of the fucker was picking at his crusty knee and managed to pull of a massive scab and he threw it at me like a firsbee and the fucking thing hit and stuck right to my cheek. I flicked it off and stupidly thought I'd get a fair fight so rushed the kid and they all jumped me, bus driver just kept on his route without a care in the world.. one of the girlfriends finally got them all off me and we continued a very awkward bus ride
Wow what a story. That sounds pretty bad tbh. I'm sorry you had to experience that.
Is... Is this the actual backstory of... Are you Crusty the Clown by any chance?
Solidified, dead blood. Is it still part of you, or is it just stuck in you like a cork? Quick, rip it off to get rid of this existentialist grey area by throwing it out the window.
Poetic comment