"Do you denounce the actions of Hamas?"
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No anti-nautilism posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
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A little bit to my surprise, ol' Norman Finkelstein, in his media appearances since this latest development in the occupation, has refused to condemn Hamas. In his interview with Chris Hedges yesterday, he explained this decision with reference to slave revolts in the US, John Brown, and the Haitian revolution. I think it's a sound comparison.
Finkelstein's the coolest (when he's not being transphobic), the dude said he likes Hezbollah lmao
A couple weeks ago he tweeted something absolutely cutting and accurate about the early responses from AOC and Ilhan Omar, but decided to start the tweet off with some bizarre boomeristic Dumb Woman shit
He's on a half-informed anti-idpol/politically incorrect kick for the past few years, and combined with his tendency to really stick it to people and actions that he feels lack integrity, it sometimes leads him to engage in insults and boomerisms that ultimately undermine his valid points. It's a real shame because he still has a lot of value to say and he's getting in his own way when he does that.