
joined 4 years ago
[–] MiraculousMM@hexbear.net 21 points 3 weeks ago (8 children)

Not to mention that tons of people have been brainwashed into enjoying and looking forward to THE FUCKING ADS

[–] MiraculousMM@hexbear.net 10 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I asked it about controversies internally

I'm very curious what it spat out for this, seems like the site is part of its data set but I'm curious what it can actually extrapolate from that beyond basic references to known leftist terms

[–] MiraculousMM@hexbear.net 15 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

michael-laugh damn that's good, where can I listen to this way better version of billy "cracker prime" joel's song?

[–] MiraculousMM@hexbear.net 40 points 1 month ago

Redditors all talk exactly the same like they're in a weird robot cult, so when they see internet people conversing in a normal, reasonably casual style and having a good time doing so it short circuits their brains

[–] MiraculousMM@hexbear.net 16 points 1 month ago

I don't feel that any potential benefits of the bazinga plagiarism machine outweigh the very obvious downsides, like how the outputs are often completely wrong and the massive energy consumption and environmental impact the AI industry runs on.

[–] MiraculousMM@hexbear.net 13 points 1 month ago

This mirrors much of what I'd expect my dad to say if I espoused my blatantly commie views to him. I think you're right about older folks needing to ruminate on our ideas for a bit to warm up to them.

I hope your dad gets there comrade penguin-love

[–] MiraculousMM@hexbear.net 3 points 1 month ago

Please repost this in /c/slop


Out of all the buzzwords online and in the culture wars, I understand "identity politics" the least. I know it has a basis in theory but it seems like every individual person has their own definition of what it means. Chuds use it basically interchangeably with "woke", libs use it as a cudgel against marginalized groups who call them out on their moderate-fascist bullshit, and for a while I was under the impression that it was a nonsense term only used by our enemies.

But I see leftists here and in the wild using the term and I lack a theoretical understanding of its meaning and what phenomenon exactly it's describing.

[–] MiraculousMM@hexbear.net 4 points 1 month ago


[–] MiraculousMM@hexbear.net 29 points 1 month ago

I have to know what the fuck you were thinking posting this.

Do you fantasize about "druggies" and "starving naked children" often

[–] MiraculousMM@hexbear.net 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

To add more context to your second example (woah now I'M on TV soypoint-2), the removed comment that prompted me to call that user an incel said:

I don't do [patriarchy denialism], I'm saying that using the excuse of patriarchy every time you want to push the blame off women is stupid. Women are responsible for their dating choices.

This struck me as straight up incel ideology, they're basically saying "the reason biphobia exists is because those FEMOIDS only want to date CHAD", so I responded in kind by calling them what they sounded exactly like. I could be wrong, they might've been a run-of-the-mill misogynist and I agree with your overall point about how the term should be used correctly. Just wanted to throw that out there

[–] MiraculousMM@hexbear.net 5 points 1 month ago

I'll take a ping please lenin-da


I saw that the Hextube marathon of The Sopranos just finished so I want to discuss with others! Overall, fantastic show, I love the idea that the mafia is a microcosm of white American society as a whole and how selfish and morally bankrupt it is. It's shockingly funny at times too, they really nail the black comedy aspect (the Columbus episode was hilarious from start to finish anti-italian-discrimination). All of the characters are phenomenal too, it's hard to choose favorites, but if I had to I'd probably say Adrianna, Carmella and Junior in that order (honorable mention to paulie-point for being a goofy little freak)

Other random thoughts (spoilers for the ENTIRE show)-As I've said before, reading The Will to Change alongside watching this show makes it clear just how well the writers understand white supremacist imperialist patriarchy, even if they wouldn't use that term to describe the society the show takes place in. And all the mobsters are well written and often endearing despite being undeniably evil pieces of shit.

-I had Christopher's death spoiled for me before watching the show but honestly I could tell the dude was gonna get got right from season 1. He's too hot-headed and overly ambitious, he was never gonna survive, but I did NOT expect the way it went down, that was fuckin brutal. And then Tony goes to Vegas, trips balls and LAUGHS about his death. I saw some people say "that was the moment I knew Tony was irredeemable", and like yeah that really drives the point home but also cmon it took you that long to make up your mind about that?

-The most heartbreaking part of the whole show was Adrianna's death. She's definitely not a complete innocent in the grand scheme of things, she financially and materially benefits from Chris' extortion and murder of others and is totally complicit in it. But the way she gets completely trapped between the mob and the FBI really makes you feel for her, she's among the more moral characters on the show and I desperately wanted to see her get away.

-I've seen redditors and their ilk say that they hated Livia which blows my mind. She's funny as fuck every time she's on screen, just a pathetically manipulative old narcissist, and I love watching her and Tony interact.

-I've also seen redditors say that they hate Meadow and AJ, the former for purely misogynistic reasons and the latter because he's "annoying". Like yeah they're kids, they're supposed to be immature and obnoxious at times, but they both grow into their own people and I like both of their arcs (moreso AJ's, Meadow gets a lot more complicit with the mob shit in the later seasons which made me sad)

-I'm still not totally sure how I feel about the ending. Ultimately when I imagine any other more "definitive" ending, it doesn't quite feel right. If I accept the theory that the cut to black is Tony getting shot, I think that's works brilliantly since he's the primary POV character and it hits harder than outright showing him getting whacked. I'm curious to hear other peoples' interpretations.

I'll probably think of more things to comment on as I contemplate the show more, but I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't. There's a reason it's so highly regarded and memed on. And of course I want to hear others' thoughts as well! There's a lot to unpack in this show and I'm sure I haven't even scratched the surface of its themes and ideas.


Minerva, Ohio councilman Phil Davison gives a memorable stump speech in pursuit of the Republican nomination for Stark County treasurer.

I have been laughing nonstop for like 10 minutes straight. "...and a mastERS DEGREE IN COMMUUUUUUUNICATIONS!!!!...???" michael-laugh


This game has only been out for 6 months michael-laugh

I tried it a few months back and it was fine? I guess? F2P CoD with hero shooter bullshit tacked on, absolutely 0 original ideas or changes to the gameplay formula, also with terrible netcode and widespread hit reg issues that Ubisoft never even attempted to fix rip-bozo


gamer-gulag gamer-gulag gamer-gulag gamer-gulag gamer-gulag gamer-gulag gamer-gulag gamer-gulag gamer-gulag



Real Heroes (hexbear.net)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by MiraculousMM@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

soviet-heart ussr-cry

edit: one of these heroes is Stanislav Petrov, idk who the other one is unfortunately


As a huge fan of Vampire Survivors and having played a LOT of the copycat games that spawned in its wake, I'm confident in saying that Halls of Torment is the best of the lot by far and even better than VS. Sick ass retro Diablo-like aesthetic that absolutely DRIPS with atmosphere and texture and personality, quest-based meta progression that's way more interesting than just "spend 1000 gold for +5% permanent damage!", 500+ challenges/achievements to complete, characters that are actually distinct and require very different playstyles, there's GEAR you can collect and equip like an ARPG, and one of the characters has a doggo-matapacos who goes around biting the dicks off of demons.

If you have any interest in the Survivors genre or roguelikes in general I'd strongly recommend at least playing the demo or dropping $5 on the full game (god I love that VS set the trend of making these games dirt ass cheap). I started playing back when it first launched in EA and was immediately hooked and its only gotten way better since.


We love ancap-good infighting don't we folks? Also apparently the LP of Lousiana isn't complete dogshit and are known as the "woke" chapter of the party lmao

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