submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by join_the_iww@hexbear.net to c/doomer@hexbear.net

Shit, it doesn't even seem like we can end Israeli apartheid without fighting a world war over it

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by coeliacmccarthy@hexbear.net to c/doomer@hexbear.net

I literally never once heard the word "homeland" in a US nationalism context until a week after 9/11

god damn america

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net to c/doomer@hexbear.net

The capitalist class has already conditioned people to be traumatized by the idea of pandemic prevention methods by their handling of COVID

This new bird flu will not be contained and will be allowed to spread unchecked. It can be spread by the pigeons on your street, and the poorly prepared fast food chicken slop treats that capitalist countries love.

And COVID is still here killing people.

This is going to be the new normal for a capitalism dominated world. As the environment crumbles we are going to see pandemic after pandemic as animal populations succumb the the stress of environmental degradation and new diseases emerge.

And with each new variant of disease our bodies are left damaged and more susceptible.

Disease compounding on top of disease.

Welcome to your capitalist utopia.


I am cheering so fucking hard for cyber warfare at this point holy shit. Someone please blow up the internet already it has produced nothing of value

Imagine if we would’ve spent all the resources for computer processors into funding irl tools like high speed rail and efficient transportation systems. Like holy shit we really fucked up, I spent a few days unplugged and everything that people value about the internet can be boiled down to just another circus

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by InevitableSwing@hexbear.net to c/doomer@hexbear.net

I learned about it from a guy on Bluesky that posts stuff off Bloomberg - "MEXICO PATIENT DIED AFTER CATCHING NEW STRAIN OF BIRD FLU: WHO".

Full text...

WHO confirms first human case of avian influenza A(H5N2) in Mexico | Reuters

June 5 (Reuters) - The World Health Organization on Wednesday said it has confirmed a fatal case in the the first laboratory-confirmed human case of infection with avian influenza A(H5N2) in Mexico.



WHO press release

Human infection caused by avian Influenza A(H5N2)- Mexico

A 59-year-old resident of the State of Mexico [was] hospitalized in Mexico City and had no history of exposure to poultry or other animals.

submitted 4 weeks ago by OpenDown@hexbear.net to c/doomer@hexbear.net

Just need to vent, I swear to god the revolutionary potential in America is just not there. So many people just have zero ideological conviction and because we're not subject to the worst of the empire's violence many feel no constant need to fight it, an encampment can end and so many people just go to brunch. The constant need to fight against the empire's propaganda, infiltrated orgs, and most of all the powerful combination of privilege and individualism is so incredibly exhausting. All that feels good to do is sit home, read theory and talk with my closest comrades, I can't be led into another unprepared police raid by people who had just collaborated with the kops, or in an org led ultimately by some undemocratically elected leader, or talk to another "ML" or anarchist white boy that can't even admit racism and imperialism still fuckin exists.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by coeliacmccarthy@hexbear.net to c/doomer@hexbear.net

this is likely to kill you

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net to c/doomer@hexbear.net

[CW: Sarcastic comments about self harm]


I'm sorry? Does getting into debt so I can PAY FOR MY OWN TRAINING FOR SEVERAL YEARS NOT FUCKING COUNT? Of fucking course not.

Oh let me guess, all the extra things I need to do to "prove I'm worthy" to our almighty employers is all stuff that is near impossible for me as a permanently exhausted neurodivergent person with no money?

Will I guess it's my fault for being born poor and given a slew of traumas as a child. How dare I want to pursue something I'm interested in and good at? What a fair, free and just society! I guess I should just burn myself out completely for chump change or die quietly in the corner.

I'm tired of hearing about employers "Not wanting to risk training employees only to lose them" when hardly any employers even do real training anymore, and no one talks about the risk employees take into going into debt for a degree. Getting a degree is already hard as it is and I don't even know if I'll ever get a return on that, so why should I have to be a super human for an employer to even consider me? Where's their effort?

Oh right, because this is capitalism and employers have the power, not me.

relatable (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 month ago by emizeko@hexbear.net to c/doomer@hexbear.net

I really fucking hate it here. I am actually hoping that this results in amerikkka absolutely destroying the internet (because anything is better than the most lukewarm regulation I guess. I have yet to see one implementation of chatgpt that is not just stealing someone’s script on stackoverflow or some forum from decades ago and synthesizing it with some other information. Totally doesn’t violate any IP laws whatsoever though!

Where are the philosophers when you need them? All of this shit is a consequence of Zuckerberg and a host of other Silicon Valley sociopaths bypassing any semblance of learning about humanity and locking themselves in a dark room and feeding their fragile egos because they can’t interact with humans.

Humanity really did a great job allowing these guys to exist 👍

lol it’s honestly just going to get worse and worse. More and more people will be on the periphery of mass inequality with this garbage and just enough of them will have enough to afford the latest wire tap that brings them circuses.

submitted 1 month ago by EstraDoll@hexbear.net to c/doomer@hexbear.net

There’s also the question of has there been ever been any radical media (I’d argue no), but I feel like civil war could have been so much better had they actually taken a side you know? And I feel like there is some value in being on the fence from an entertainment POV but I sort of expected art from A24

Like does anyone remember that one show (adult swim maybe) where they pushed boundaries so fucking much to the point of asking a child to ask people on Wall Street who they exploited? It really seems like the daily show on the street segments mocking people with no power other than who they choose to vote for has taken over. It’s so fucking ominous because I know some of those people sure and they should be subject to reeducation, but each and everyone got a lucky break tomaybe retire one day

Like when you think about it like that, what are we fucking doing

I need a hug (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 month ago by Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net to c/doomer@hexbear.net

Sometimes reality gets a little overwhelming and I need a metaphorical hug.

The world is big and scary, yo!

submitted 2 months ago by MayoPete@hexbear.net to c/doomer@hexbear.net

Feeling like shit right now ngl deeper-sadness


Feels like potential employers simply ignore my portfolio, and it doesn't matter how skilled and/or knowledgeable I am. None of them even try testing my skills, even when I am obviously more than qualified for a relevant job vacancy, or on the occasion when I do get an in-person interview, which is not helped by my social impediments.

I have always been significantly better than my immediate peers in the field where I am looking for a job currently, but while some of them did manage to get jobs, I am left with no commercial experience, and potential employers are obviously looking primarily for people who already have experience.

I don't seem to be able to hold a job in any other field, currently, at least not in the long term.

I love living under crapitalism and not being neurotypical enough to have a living. /s

(P.S. I do apologise to people whose replies I have not attended yet, regarding idealism and whether or not Marxism is anti-idealist or not. I still intend to.)

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