[-] micnd90@hexbear.net 5 points 5 hours ago

It was an inside job by Kamisato Clan

[-] micnd90@hexbear.net 12 points 16 hours ago

It is an image that captures him as he would like to be seen, so perfectly, in fact, that it may outlast all the rest.

Nothing will outlast


[-] micnd90@hexbear.net 39 points 20 hours ago

Genocide is absolutely unacceptable

I wish the people of Gaza to stand strong, and people who have been hurt, especially the children of Gaza a speedy recovery


[-] micnd90@hexbear.net 10 points 1 day ago

sexist Bernie "bro" Sanders backed his white old friend Joe instead of supporting strong women leaders like Kamala or Hillary

[-] micnd90@hexbear.net 13 points 4 days ago

Imagine having Hillary Clinton as your VP. As much as I don't like Copmala, she didn't deserve to be suicided

[-] micnd90@hexbear.net 3 points 5 days ago

I've been daily driving Manjaro on KDE for 8 years. People have philosophical problem with the way Manjaro is run, but for practical use it has been great. Manjaro is essentially Arch, so you can get all the bleeding edge Arch packages within weeks delay. The Manjaro team usually try to catch if there is a disastrous rolling update upstream. People usually accept that Arch breaks once a year or so, in my 8 years experience with Manjaro it broke twice. It will break even less if you don't update your packages as often, and for most users you don't need to have bleeding edge packages on kernel level (you can update your browser separately from whole system upgrade).

Arch snobs look down on Manjaro, and they made one mistake DDOSing the Arch repo that they will never live down. But I find that Manjaro has the right balance between the bleeding edge of rolling release and usability.

[-] micnd90@hexbear.net 2 points 5 days ago

Mr. President, how's it feel to have lived long enough to see the world's greatest empire go down in flames


Feels great, Jack




[-] micnd90@hexbear.net 88 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

They had a rule where each person were given 3-4 minutes to answer question while the other person had their mic off to prevent interruption. This prove to be disastrous, Biden cannot talk coherently for 3-4 minutes straight without falling apart, meander, and losing his train of thought. Biden often finished early, then the mods said "Mr. Biden you have 2 minutes left", started to freestyle disastrously and then time's out and got cut off. Trump deflected every question the moderators asked, and talk about something else entirely, lies through his teeth, but he is coherent within the 3-4 minutes time, finished on-time, mods don't have the balls to ask follow up question, and changed the topic. It's a disasterclass both ways for the planet, but horserace wise it is also a calamity for Dems.

It's JOEVER (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 weeks ago by micnd90@hexbear.net to c/politics@hexbear.net


Thirty minutes into the presidential debate, I’ve heard from three veteran Democratic presidential campaign officials, and all of them had the same reaction to President Biden’s performance: This is a disaster. It wasn’t just that Biden wasn’t landing a glove on Donald Trump on the economy, the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Covid, taxes, temperament or anything else that was coming up in the questioning. It was Biden’s voice (low and weak) and facial expression (frozen, mouth open, few smirks) with answers that were rambling or vague or ended in confusion. He gave remarks about health care and abortion that didn’t make a strong point, giving Trump a chance to say lines like, “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said, either.” One of the Democrats said Biden looked scared. Another said it was an “emperor has no clothes” performance so far. The third said of the performance overall, “Don’t ask.” Trump lied repeatedly during the debate about the pandemic, immigration and Roe v. Wade, but Biden didn’t hold him accountable for those lies in a memorable way. At times, Trump attacked Biden, but the president didn’t fight back. Frank Luntz, a veteran focus group moderator who was holding a live focus group during the debate, wrote of their reactions so far: “The group is so bothered by Biden’s voice and appearance. But they’re getting madder and madder with Trump’s personal attacks.” “If Trump talks less,” Luntz said, “he wins. If Biden doesn’t stop talking, he loses.”

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by micnd90@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

tldr; just a lib complaining about direct action. This is the most baffling column from the NYT, surpassing all of Friedman's or Dowd's brain diarrheas


Don’t take it personally, but I don’t want to go to your protest. This isn’t a commentary about your particular movement or about the anti-Israel rallies this past academic year. I don’t care how foolish or noble the cause. When it comes to gathering in large groups and yelling, you can count me out. I did try it once. My first and last protest was freshman year of college when some women I liked were organizing a pro-choice rally. The cause was solid, it seemed like a decent way to solidify the friendships and I enjoy using magic markers.

But standing on the campus green of our overwhelmingly liberal university brandishing a broken hanger struck me as not only futile but ridiculous. The only mind that was changed by that protest was mine — about participating in protests. After 40 minutes or so, I left to go to the bathroom. Later, I signed up to escort patients at a local abortion clinic. There are better ways, I realized, to effect change.

Temperamentally, I just wasn’t up to it. It’s not only that I don’t like standing outdoors in the sun for long periods or that I always need to pee. But I’d rather read about strikers in “Germinal” than march on a picket line. My full gratitude then, to The New York Times for giving me a get-out-of-jail-free card by forbidding your journalists from participating in political protests while encouraging us to report on them.

I’ve never been much of a tribalist or a joiner, and have no use for conformity of thought or dress. Unless it’s Halloween or a costume party, I don’t like playing dress-up. Nor do I want to be part of a group where people might think I accidentally left my pussy hat at home. When I see a bunch of white kids wearing kaffiyehs I can’t help wonder whatever happened to the whole anti-cultural appropriation thing. When someone drones on about “solidarity,” all I hear is, “Get in line.” When there’s no room for dissent from the dissent, there’s no room for me. Color me an anti-fan of performative politics, particularly if it means I’d be part of the show that features bigots posing as bleeding hearts. Plus, all that earnestness! It brings out my ironic and impish side, inclined to correct typos on signage or foment some kind of peripheral debate. Every time someone at one of those encampments cried out “Free Palestine” I’d be tempted to yell “From Hamas!” I’d surely get kicked out of the group that wants to kick other people out. They don’t want troublemakers.

Protests are about operating in unison and I find that creepy. Back in the early 90s, I visited college friends in Washington, D.C. It happened to be the Fourth of July and so we headed to the National Mall to celebrate. I was stunned to find people passionately yelling en masse, “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” What, I wondered, was the alternative? Who’s the other team?

I realize we live in a country born of protest and my attitude may seem vaguely un-American. Watching the rabble-rousers on HBO’s “John Adams” during Covid lockdown, my first grumbly thought was, “Stop whining and pay your taxes!” Reading about the Whiskey Rebellion made me think of drunken MAGA types sloganeering at a Trump rally about the glory of firearms. (I do make a sentimental exception for revolutions set to music, especially when French.) Speaking of history, I can’t say I’d relish hollering alongside people who’ve only studied it on TikTok. But those of us who read about it in, say, books usually come to understand that even factual history is complicated, nuanced and full of boring and endless repetition.

Protests, those books remind us, can end poorly. In 2020, when people were posting black squares on Instagram to show their antiracist cred, I insisted that we watch “To Live” for family movie night. Zhang Yimou’s depiction of the Cultural Revolution provides a terrifying warning to those who think offering children a bullhorn is a good idea. Still, plenty of Boomers view protest through a nostalgic filter. Sure, there was some passionate shouting on the quad about wiping out Jews, they’ll say, but even the righteous antiwar movement had its Hanoi Janes and the Weather Underground. Is painting a Hamas symbol on a Jews’s door worse than settler-colonial oppression? But no matter the context and whether it comes from the right or the left, antisemitism is a bad look.

Maybe the protesters could use a moment of peace and reflection. A chance to take a deep breath and open their minds. Picture, if you will, a meditative room filled with floor pillows, breathwork exercises and a small but well-curated bookshelf in the corner. Perhaps now that we’ve gathered here all kumbaya-like, we can even offer a word for the people who look at the bawlers, the get-ups, the outrage and the zealotry and say to themselves, “No, thank you.” Here’s to the people who doth protest not

submitted 3 weeks ago by micnd90@hexbear.net to c/sports@hexbear.net

Witch doctors from Xaymaca, Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, Somalia, Bharat, Pakstan UNITE. This is what you get for 400 years of colonialism. Nothing personal Harry, he seems like a good guy.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by micnd90@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

My favorite content creator just dropped a banger. Give the video a look


lol, win WHAT war? (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by micnd90@hexbear.net to c/guns@hexbear.net

L in Vietnam

L in Laos

L in Afghanistan

L in Iraq

L in Syria

The L actually stands for L.I.B.E.R.T.Y

submitted 1 month ago by micnd90@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by micnd90@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net


Imagine not having >75yr old male dinosaurs as president

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by micnd90@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

Our condolences to the newly-wed bride, Elena Zhukova, hopefully she'll only suffer for a bit before stealing all of his money. Fun fact: He's marrying the mother of Roman Abramovich's former wife

[-] micnd90@hexbear.net 85 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Imagine thinking your vote matters in Hitler vs. Mussolini election

Imagine thinking your vote matters in Democrat vs. Republican election


[-] micnd90@hexbear.net 90 points 8 months ago

wake up

read news

warcrimes are happening and people are being genocided

brush teeth

go to work


[-] micnd90@hexbear.net 104 points 8 months ago

The bald American Bernie vs. the skinnier, better looking, sexier accent, better hairline British Bernie

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