China's non-punative solution to illegally parked cars
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"that train pic is too powerful lmao" - u/Cadende
They're probably giving out fines too. China loves using small fines for minor crimes.
Still better than having your car towed to some impound lot several miles away, and having to pay an exorbitant fee to get your car out.
Small fines consistently applied are more effective than random large punishments in deterring crime. Some cities even have fair checkers who can't give out tickets, just ask you to get off at the next stop and it's just as effective.
More effective than random large punishments, sure, but fines are still a fundamentally ineffective way of discouraging whatever behavior. If something is punishable by a fine, that means poor people aren't allowed to do it and rich people are, nothing more and nothing less.
Fine as a portion of income.
Or better yet, require the person do X hours community service.
No, that really doesn't fix it. 50% of Elon Musk's income is an absurd, unfathomable amount of money, and it could vanish into the ether without affecting his quality of life at all. 50% of the average person's income would put them on the streets.