submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by kickit@hexbear.net to c/urbanism@hexbear.net

I want off aus-delenda-est

submitted 6 days ago by Owl@hexbear.net to c/urbanism@hexbear.net

You always liked gray colors? You love panels? Khrushchyovka is your favourite building of all time? Fear not, I present to you the ADVANCED version of Khrushchyovka, still gray and ugly, but now it can be up to 25 stories and up to a kilometer long. When Leonid Brezhnev came to power, he decided to build on the work of his predecessor and continue to erect identical panel houses on the whole territory of the Soviet Union. Nowadays a panel Brezhnevka is the most common type of building you can find in Russia. Let's talk about them and about how they were about to build a whole culture of doomers around themselves.

00:00 - Brezhnevka as a background of our everyday life

04:55 - Khrushchyovka and Brezhnevka - are there any differences?

07:13 - Common problems with Brezhnevkas

10:25 - Different types of Brezhnevkas

"Brezhnevki" (colloquial, by analogy with Stalinkas and Khrushchevkas) is the name of the series of houses built in the Soviet Union from the mid-1960s to the late 1980s, mostly during the era of Leonid Brezhnev. In the late 1950s, ‘One flat per family’ became, by decree, a priority for the communist party and its first secretary, Nikita Khrushchev. Leonid Brezhnev, who came after Khrushchev, disagreed with him on many things. But still decided to continue the practice of building low-cost residential panel buildings on a grand scale. The early "Brezhnevkas" are basically the same Khrushchevkas, made of the same panel blocks, only higher. While Khrushchev buildings had a maximum of 5 stories, under Brezhnev they began to build houses of 9 stories and higher. Buildings were constructed panel by panel out of standard elements manufactured by the factories, The panels would then be transported from the house factories (usually located near the construction sites of the new districts) and assembled in situ. The reason for the launch of the Brezhnevkas was the growth of the population's complaints about the quality of housing in USSR. The delight of getting their own "Khrushchevka" flat gradually dissipated, and eventually a compromise was found - the "Brezhnevka". In fact, "Brezhnevka" is the arithmetic average of two diametrically opposed principles and objectives of urban development: "deteriorated Stalinka" or "improved Khrushchevka". Upgraded variants of the systems developed in the former USSR are still in use, housing millions of urbanites to this day.

Hey there. Somehow you found my video and decided to watch it. So let me introduce myself. I'm Sergei and I'm from Russia. My channel is about my native country. I want to tell English-speaking viewers about the real Russia, about its past and present. Unfortunately, you can find a lot of propaganda about Russia on the Internet, both from the Russian media and from the Western ones. I want to tell you about Russia, as it really is, the country in which I was born, grew up, and lived all my life.


I get why things like hot dogs or bratwurst are readily available as streetfood, it's logistically easy - but so is soup! You need like a pot, maybe two if you're getting crazy with it, maybe some bread rolls and that's it. It's cheap to make, cheap to buy, you could get hot soup on a cold day to warm you up or something like a gazpach or okroshka on a cold day to have a chilling meal. They're stupidly easy to make, all the ingredients basically cost zilch, very easy to adjust for all kinds of different dietary needs if you offer some sort of toppings optionally instead of throwing it all in there.

So why isn't there more soup? It's a style of meal you can find in basically any cuisine yet in all my travels I remember like two instances where I could just get a soup. What drives streetfood and why is soup shafted?

submitted 1 week ago by erik@hexbear.net to c/urbanism@hexbear.net

People like trains.

Life Pro Tip (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 week ago by RNAi@hexbear.net to c/urbanism@hexbear.net

stalin-gun-1 wholesome


Sapporo Streetcar (Sapporo Shiden) for Susukino, Nakajima Park, & Mount Moiwa Ropeway - Sapporo Station

Streetcar Parties

Sapporo Streetcar trams can be rented for private events and parties. Rental trams depart from either the Susukino streetcar stop or from the tram depot at Sapporo Train Bureau. If they depart from Susukino Station, the ride lasts for 1 hour and 20 minutes (with a restroom break), and if they depart from the bureau, the ride lasts for 1 hour.

There are three types of tram available to rent. A standard green # 3300 series tram (30 seats and a capacity for 60 people) or the more modern short-body low-floor Sirius tram (24 seats and a capacity for 60 people) can be rented for 18,340 yen. The longer low-floor Polaris tram (27 seats and a capacity for 71 people) costs 22,000 yen to rent. All trams are supplied with a table, table cloth, wireless mic, bingo equipment, lace curtains, and 50 liter cooler box. Tram rentals can be booked by telephone from 3 months up to 10 months in advance at 011-551-3944 (Japanese only). For more details please see the dedicated Japanese language webpage.


Battle of Stalingrad is being held on the street with a pride flag painted on it. The local cafes and bars have closed the security shutters while pedestrians and bikers battle it out like it’s the warriors. A battalion of e-scooters have been thrown into the local river, Mark lost his penjamin, there has not been this much infighting between local hipster douchebags since the original hipster subculture split in 2010 and half of them all became racist and the other half gay, you can tell which is which by the flannel they are wearing. The grub hub driver who is too alienated to deal with this shit walks through violent mobs of redditors just trying to not get fired. A Karen and her kids in a Prius are dragged out of their cars and are lynched like Mussolini. One restaurant attempts to extend the outdoor patio to other side of the street. Various rainbow painted boulders are placed in the spots homeless people sleep at night. It’s absolute chaos and pandemonium on the street young professionals struggle to afford and various journalists online regurgitate uncritical support for one side or the other to the masses who all find that this chaz 2.0 knockoff is stupider than what it was about last time, and many people decide from that point forward to avoid Portland in the future.


When Japan’s Kansai International Airport (KIX) opened in 1994, it was considered an engineering marvel. It is one of the world’s floating airports and cost roughly $20 billion to construct.

30 years on, it remains an important hub in Japan. In 2022, Statista named KIX the third busiest airport in the country, after Narita International Airport (NRT) and Tokyo Haneda Airport (HND). The airport serves as a hub for major airlines including All Nippon Airways, Japan Airlines, Nippon Cargo Airlines and even Japan’s low-cost airline, Peach.

However, some experts believe that KIX airport may be completely submerged by 2056. To get to the bottom of this, it’s necessary to know the airport’s background.


They are objectively on the highest of tier public workers. If you make a bracket of public worker they are automatic S-tier


found on a custom DIY fabrication forum, can be adapted with e-assist options as well


View from the rear platform of the Simskaia Station of the Samara-Zlatoust Railway, Russia. Very early color photograph by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii, made in 1910 on three glass plates, one for each of the colors red, green, and blue. Scanned and combined into a digital image in 2003.

Hello, Aquaman? (hexbear.net)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Yuritopiaposadism@hexbear.net to c/urbanism@hexbear.net


Meanwhile, soaring insurance fees are also dissuading potential buyers from purchasing property as they add more costs to owning a home.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by doublepepperoni@hexbear.net to c/urbanism@hexbear.net

Just this week in Vantaa, Finland three 12-year-old girls piled onto one of those electric scooters you subscribe to with an app and proceeded to get run over by a car at a crossing, killing one of them

The app is supposed to have an age restriction but it's easy to bypass and you're not supposed to have more than one person riding on one, which people routinely ignore

I hate seeing kids and teens speeding around dangerously on those fucking things and then just leaving them laying around on high-traffic bike routes because they don't give a shit since they treat the scooters as completely disposable

Fucking awful bazinga-brained Silicon Valley-ass idea and business model. Actually, there are also bikes you can use with an app but curiously you don't see kids doing reckless shit with those, almost as if electric scooters were uniquely terrible thonk

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by culpritus@hexbear.net to c/urbanism@hexbear.net

I try to avoid driving in the city generally because sicko-biker

But occasionally I have to operate a car in the city during rush hour, and it seems like every 2 blocks some rideshare is stopping in a travel lane to do pick-up/drop-off.

I can understand it to some degree if there is truly a complete gridlock of traffic (no harm no foul), but seems like people just be putting on emergency flashers and stopping about anywhere now.

Anyway, just another reason to avoid getting in a car when inside a city.

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