Should Cannabis Be Regulated Like Alcohol?
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I would argue cannabis, especially of the average potency and in moderation, doesn't impair most EVERYDAY users any more than a cigarette might (those things spike your blood pressure and dehydrate you fast!!) but I just especially have to object to treating high driving exactly the same. As another user stated, the statistics are very clear. To quote a friend's dad "If you can't drive and smoke weed, you can't drive."
As someone who has ingested a lot of weed, strong disagree. I don't know how anyone who has experienced being high can say they are not impaired. That's a mind blowing statement to me.
I definitely wouldn't say it impairs you in the same way being drunk does, but I also wouldn't say driving high is the same as driving sober. And if you are driving high you really need to cut that shit out. All it takes is one time where your reaction time is slightly decreased and it could be catastrophic.
Define "a lot of weed". Because weed hasn't impaired me since high school, and I've met a lot of everyday users who feel the exact same. "Decreased reaction time" is absolutely a popular misconception IMHO, and that's a symptom of simple tiredness too -I'd argue pot is far from the #1 cause of it. Being a stimulant to some extent. I take mine with a ridiculous caffeine dependency though too so I could be a little biased.
Decreased reaction time is absolutely not a myth. The level of impairment is related to the amount consumed (just like alcohol), but a decrease in reaction time is a very real effect of cannabis. In case of an emergency on the road that could be a major issue. Please do not drive high.