This Is the Winning Issue for Biden in 2024
Welcome to Funhole! The first and only hole on SDF exclusively for fun content! Are you a content creator? Then come post your content and join the fun!
Thank you for engaging with my content! I guess not everyone in the Funhole Community finds denouncing racism as fun as I do! What kind of content would you prefer to see on Funhole?
Honestly, not US/World politics. That kind of content is permeating everywhere on the internet and gets annoying quickly for non-US people. I have nothing against the content itself. Keeping some communities clean from politics content helps engage people around the world of diverse ideologies. Thanks for being civil with this discussion.
Edit: I now realize that you are a mod of this community and maybe it is me who is wrong about my expectations about what content should be here. I was maybe misled by the name “funhole” which I associated to Reddit’s “funny”
Anyone can post anything they please here, provided that they created it themselves and that it amused them to do so.