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In August 2020, Fr. Jeremy Leatherby, a priest of the Diocese of Sacramento, incurred an automatic excommunication for schism after refusing to recognize the legitimacy of Pope Francis, most notably substituting his name with that of his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI and omitting the name of Bishop Jaime Soto during the Eucharistic Prayer while offering Mass. Bishop Soto announced the excommunication on 7 August.
Looks like there was one more recently, but got overturned by the pope
also noticed some nun was for allowing an abortion, later allowed back in, but very cool nonetheless
god I wish I were cool enough to get excommunicated
There's this one
I wonder if that's still active. Cause that'd be funny as shit.
Apparently yes?
Funny to note that while the church according to the catechism excerpt here supposedly also rejects the primacy of capitalism, you never saw all capitalists excommunicated
Here’s the context: