The future looks bleak...
This is the place to be on the interweb when Reddit irreversibly becomes a meme itself and implodes
If you are existing mods from r/dankmemes, you should be mod here too, kindly DM me on either platform
The many rules inherited from
It's especially getting out of hand when convenience stores are doing it, and then the cashier has the gall to give you a shitty look, especially when you hit no tip. Motherfucker, you scanned my item and processed a transaction, why the fuck do you deserve a tip for just doing your job?
I will get hate for it but that last sentence is exactly how I feel about a waiter at a restaurant. You brought me my drink, and you brought me my food. Which is supposed to be your job, I understand that a lot of them get paid potentially less than minimum wage but that's not my fault. I paid what was asked for, if the server went Above and Beyond in some way I will generally leave a tip but if they just did their job I don't see any reason to.
Be mad at your bosses for being worthless piles of shit who don't pay you properly not me for not paying more than what I was asked to pay
The dirty look from people whose jobs don’t deserve a tip drives me over the edge