As the result of apower outage that generally make things not working for everyone and can have adverse effects like people dying, who are dependant on electricity for medical systems, heating in winter, and otherwise adverse effects such as increased injuries etc.?
Wishing for a power outage is nuts. If he wants to try out his toys he can just turn off the main circuit breaker and get a small "power outage" for himself. But that would be boring because the neighbours wouldnt be amazed at how he sits in the light, while the rest of the street sits in the dark.
Fair point. Unfortunately the prepper movement seems to have many people who lowkey, or highkey are hopeing for societal collapse, so they can use their preperations to an advantage and gain of power.
I dunno, hopeing for a power outtage, just so he can flex his equipment is kinda prepperism.
Doesn't read like flexing, reads like finally getting to use your toys.
As the result of apower outage that generally make things not working for everyone and can have adverse effects like people dying, who are dependant on electricity for medical systems, heating in winter, and otherwise adverse effects such as increased injuries etc.?
Wishing for a power outage is nuts. If he wants to try out his toys he can just turn off the main circuit breaker and get a small "power outage" for himself. But that would be boring because the neighbours wouldnt be amazed at how he sits in the light, while the rest of the street sits in the dark.
Maybe just maybe, they weren't completely serious.
I have been in that sub for a few years, and I do own a few ludicrously powerful flashlights.
It's not a prepper thing at all. It's a "flashlights are fun" thing.
You forgot the '/s'
Preppers who keep stuff so they can help everybody when it happens are cool.
Fair point. Unfortunately the prepper movement seems to have many people who lowkey, or highkey are hopeing for societal collapse, so they can use their preperations to an advantage and gain of power.