Preface: this is not white apologia, I am not white, I am a pure asiatic mongoloid barbarian. With that being said----
There seems to be a sentiment that is largely a holdover from the liberal beliefs about 'bad apples' in our gene pool or whatever. Some people seem to think that we could solve all our problems by not allowing these bad apples to have children. It seems pretty straightforward, right? Parents pass traits to their offspring, you get rid of the bad parents, and you won't have the offspring having bad traits.
Well.... aside from that being borderline eugenics, it's also bullshit. Not completely bullshit, but pretty much bullshit.
AS FAR AS WE KNOW, BELIEFS ARE NOT HERITABLE. This means that if your parents were bloodthirsty fascists, you are not necessarily a bloodthirsty fascist. Heritable traits are generally much simpler (and by simpler I mean comparatively simpler--- even things like eye color needs hundreds of genes, each thousands of bases long, to be coordinated) than behavioral traits. Which means, aside from a few very, very basic instincts OUR BELIEFS ARE LEARNED AND NOT INHERITED FROM OUR PARENTS. While parents can influence your beliefs heavily as an environmental factor they don't just magically give you ideas when you're born.
So there. It feels good to want to murder bad people but just know that until we fundamentally restructure society, killing them will just be like trying to fill up a river by draining it with a sponge.
I don't go on twitter often but I've heard that most people that do become what their enemies think of them, so I avoid it. Is there a group on twitter that wants white genocide hitler style? People like that are what the fascists see in the mirror with different pigmentation. They both say "better them than me" as if peace is not a preferable alternative.
On the basis of people not inheriting the beliefs of their ancestors necessarily, a more interesting contentious issue of ethnic minorities using using their status as minorities to exploit others in the manner western culture, but lead by some minority. Or some may ask if the exploitation is different than the western forms of exploitation, it should be reconsidered.
I'd like to live in a world where people look deeper at the institutional structures of racism to combat it rather than looking at the skin tone or any other minority indicator of the people speaking.
This is probably because modern liberalism, just like fascism essentializes race. It has lead to more positive representation of minorities in media and leadership positions, which is good, but the liberalism still remains. (thinking about ice cube and Morgan Freeman kicking the ladder down now that they are at the top)
I've seen a bunch of literature on the problems and causes of racism and effects of racism but I'm not familiar with a whole lot of literature on socialist solutions. I think we need to discuss practical solutions. Obviously we'll need the input of minorities directly effected. I'd be happy to hear lists of attempts to eliminate racism in socialist nations and their concequences.