Preface: this is not white apologia, I am not white, I am a pure asiatic mongoloid barbarian. With that being said----
There seems to be a sentiment that is largely a holdover from the liberal beliefs about 'bad apples' in our gene pool or whatever. Some people seem to think that we could solve all our problems by not allowing these bad apples to have children. It seems pretty straightforward, right? Parents pass traits to their offspring, you get rid of the bad parents, and you won't have the offspring having bad traits.
Well.... aside from that being borderline eugenics, it's also bullshit. Not completely bullshit, but pretty much bullshit.
AS FAR AS WE KNOW, BELIEFS ARE NOT HERITABLE. This means that if your parents were bloodthirsty fascists, you are not necessarily a bloodthirsty fascist. Heritable traits are generally much simpler (and by simpler I mean comparatively simpler--- even things like eye color needs hundreds of genes, each thousands of bases long, to be coordinated) than behavioral traits. Which means, aside from a few very, very basic instincts OUR BELIEFS ARE LEARNED AND NOT INHERITED FROM OUR PARENTS. While parents can influence your beliefs heavily as an environmental factor they don't just magically give you ideas when you're born.
So there. It feels good to want to murder bad people but just know that until we fundamentally restructure society, killing them will just be like trying to fill up a river by draining it with a sponge.
Yes, that's my caricature of their argument. Are you now pretending to think that it was me who was claiming this?
Yes, you really are.
No. Read it again. I'm trying to be generous to these peoples' stance. I completely disagree with them. I completely agree with OP here. I even gave a link to a thread full of these people insisting that race was the primary contradiction.
Read the thread I linked. You've completely misread what I was saying.
Pretending, PRETENDING, there was no separation in the text there was no indication other than a rapid one 180 that you where not the one saying it. I assure yo uI was 1 Genuinly confused and 2, genuinly thinking you where doing race reductionism
I will admit I miss read the statement, Heck I did not originally comment on it because I was not sure if I was reading it correctly, however given I was not the only one to do so I do not think that my understanding of it was unreasonable.
Okay I was pissed off and I've calmed down now. I had my comment removed and was insulted as a racist over what to me was a very clear meaning. Next time I'll use scare quotes and the like.