Stock market overvaluation and general economy shitfuckery doesn't make it a pyramid scheme, which is a very specific type of financial crime.
Pyramid schemes involve organizations that can only survive with a constant flow of new investors because they don't actually make any money from whatever the business is supposed to be doing i.e. selling goods and services to consumers.
Microsoft brings in significant revenue from selling it's products to end users, which means it's not a pyramid scheme.
You're conflating several different and unique concepts and scenarios together here, which is why your comment and point didn't make any sense.
You can be angry at how the stock market is manipulated sometimes, but a pyramid or ponzi scheme is a very specific thing, which the stock market absolutely is not.
The fact that you believe that they are similar shows the limits of your knowledge on the subject. You should listen to the other commentor replying to you, they're explaining why you're mistaken, but you're doubling down on your misunderstanding. Don't make this mistake.
...that's not what a Pyramid scheme is.
Everyone puts their money in a stock for infinite growth and then it all collapses once every 20 years because the infinite growth is not real.
Sounds a lot like it.
Stock market overvaluation and general economy shitfuckery doesn't make it a pyramid scheme, which is a very specific type of financial crime.
Pyramid schemes involve organizations that can only survive with a constant flow of new investors because they don't actually make any money from whatever the business is supposed to be doing i.e. selling goods and services to consumers.
Microsoft brings in significant revenue from selling it's products to end users, which means it's not a pyramid scheme.
You're conflating several different and unique concepts and scenarios together here, which is why your comment and point didn't make any sense.
You can be angry at how the stock market is manipulated sometimes, but a pyramid or ponzi scheme is a very specific thing, which the stock market absolutely is not.
The fact that you believe that they are similar shows the limits of your knowledge on the subject. You should listen to the other commentor replying to you, they're explaining why you're mistaken, but you're doubling down on your misunderstanding. Don't make this mistake.
2008 lmaooo
....No.... you're using very specific financial crimes as a catch-all description for financial engineering.
Words have meaning. You might as well say Microsoft is a bank robber, because that's also a financial crime of sorts.